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To-dos are the most versatile and used type of activity in the system. The name is self-explanatory: a to-do is something you need to get done. The to-do could be for a company or internal. The to-do could be for a specific date or something you know needs to get done at some point, but there is no set date.

Create To-Do's

  • You can create a to-do from a lot of areas of the system, including your agenda and calendar dashboard widgets, a company or contact’s page, as well as by using the + button at the top of the page to ‘Add To-Do'. To-dos can also be created for you by automation or other users in the system.


    To manage existing to-dos, either go to your dashboard and view your agenda or calendar widgets, or go to a company or contact’s Activities tab.

  • No matter where you create your to-do, you must specify the category and a title. Those are the only two required fields. You could simply enter the type, title, and save. You would see this to-do at the top of your Agenda widget until you give it a date or complete it.

  • By default, all to-dos are assigned to you. But you can assign a to-do to any user who reports to you. So you could assign a to-do to get a report for you by Friday to one of your reps. The rep will get an email notification of the to-do.

  • Before you enter the title or assign the to-do, you may want to pick a company. Picking a company will default the company name as the title as well as show you a list of contacts to pick from and reps who you can assign the to-do for. To-dos assigned to a company can only be assigned to that company’s contacts and reps.

  • To-dos have the following fields you can take advantage of, but are not required.

    • Opportunity and Forecast: Let your team know you are actively working a customer's opportunity by assigning a to-do. For example, following up with a phone call about the quote. User will see this activity in the Forecast Reports.

      • To see this field, you have to choose a company. You can then choose from the company’s opportunities or create a new opportunity to associate with the company.

      • Choose from the company’s Opportunities first, then select a Forecast. The Forecasts dropdown will show all Forecasts associated with the selected Opportunity.

    • Update Contact Attribute: You can modify any contact attributes when creating the activity. Maybe you are creating the to-do after the fact and learned the contact's birthday!

      • This field is only relevant if a company and contact are selected.

    • Update Lead Status: Use this to keep your contact's status accurate and up to date. Maybe you had a great phone call and the person is qualified or maybe they are not interested, you need to mark them as disqualified.

      • This field is only relevant if a company and contact are selected.

    • Due Date: Set this as the date the to-do should be completed. There is no time on a to-do, just the date.

    • Priority: Determine how important the to-do is. You can choose from a range of priorities from Minor to Critical.

    • Complete: Set the completion percentage. Maybe the to-do you are creating has two parts and you’ve already done the first part. In that case, you could set the completion field to 50%.

    • Notes: Enter any useful notes you want to keep for reference or let others in your company know about.

    • Notify users: You can send an email to another user in the system when you create the to-do. You may want to do this to alert them of an important update so they can get involved with the customers.

    • Additional Details: This section shows up on your activities depending on if you have activity dynamic attributes set up. The attributes themselves may or may not be required in order to create the activity.

  • A to-do will show up on your calendar widget if it has a date, and on the company/contact page if you assign one. To-dos will always show up on your agenda widget.

  • When you complete a to-do, you will get asked to enter follow-up notes and update the lead status. You can also determine how you want the to-do to be recorded by the system: None, Task, or Call.

    • None: The to-do was for your sole purpose and you don't need the system to keep record of it in your activity report. Users can see it, but it doesn't count.

    • Task: You want users to know you completed the activity on your activity reports. The to-do could also have been anything from a meeting, email, or drop-in.

    • Call: You may create a long list of to-dos, which are phone calls you want to complete on a specific day. We don't allow you to schedule a call using the call activity, but you can set up the to-do, then record it as a call, so your activity is recorded as a call for reporting purposes.

  • You will also be given the chance to schedule a follow-up activity right from the competition pop-up.


Updated 01/08/2024