Subscription Invoices
To create an invoice for a subscription, navigate to the Create Subscription Invoices page by either clicking the + icon on the top menu and select 'Add Invoice' under the Distribution section, or by going to Subscriptions > Invoices, and then clicking on 'Create New Subscription Invoice'.
On the Create Subscription Invoices page, you will be able to search by various fields to filter your results. Check the box next to the subscriptions that you would like to invoice, and then select Invoice Selected Subscriptions at the bottom of the page.
You will then be able to choose the invoice template you would like to use and the invoice date. Subscriptions will be grouped on a Publisher basis, and a single invoice will be created per subscriber and publisher. For example, if you are invoicing for a single subscriber that has two subscriptions from the same Publisher, one invoice will be created that will contain both subscriptions.
Click Create Preview to see what your invoices will look like before you create them.
On subscription invoice templates, the Contact element can display either Billing or Shipping contact address information. If there are multiple shipping addresses on the invoice, no shipping address will be displayed.
If an invoice contains a gift subscription, the subscription information will include the gift recipient’s name.
If everything looks good on the preview, then click Create Invoices, which will generate the subscription invoices in your system. On this page, you can email or print any of the invoices you generated. Simply check the box next to the invoice ID and click on Print Selected or Email Selected.
If you would like to email the invoices, you will see a pop-up where you can choose which of the subscriber’s emails the invoice should be sent to.
The subscriber will be able to view and pay this invoice in their Subscriber Portal.
You can view created subscription invoices by going to Subscriptions > Invoices. Use the search filters on this page to find the specific invoices you are searching for. If there are multiple subscriptions on a single invoice, the search will find all invoices where at least one of the subscriptions fits the search criteria.
The results will show information about each invoice, including ID, subscriber name, invoice status, due date, and total invoice amounts.
You can use the arrow icon next to an invoice to collapse or expand additional information about the subscriptions that are present on the invoice. This information includes subscriber names (this is a good option to see if the invoice contains a gift subscription), publication and plan information, as well as start and end dates.
Use the ellipsis icon to perform various actions on the invoice, such as making a payment, editing the template, viewing the invoice PDF, and sending an invoice email.
The checkboxes on the right side of the table are used to mark the invoices for export.
Use the checkboxes on the left side of the table to select invoices to perform bulk actions on, including printing or emailing, or changing the invoice template.
Updated 12/23/2024