This permission gives a user access to the Sales tab. Depending on a user's permissions in this section, they will be able to create, edit, and approve orders.
Set Orders to Create Pre-Pay Invoices
With this permission, a user can turn on the ‘Create Pre-Pay Invoice’ setting on orders. When turned on, the system will automatically generate and send a special pre-pay invoice to the customer upon order approval.
Allow Confirmed Order Note Editing
Grants a user the ability to edit order notes after the order has been fully approved. Without the permission, users can edit order notes only if the ‘Amendment Requires Order Approval’ option is selected when editing the order.
Gives a user the ability to create an order. A user will only be able to create an order for a company where they are a rep, unless they have the permission to “view all contacts” which is in permissions under the contacts tab.
Gives a user the ability to access the Approve Orders page and see their orders that are awaiting any approval. A user will have the ability to submit client approval here, as they can bring up the digital signature box, upload a new signed contract, or submit an email record of approval.
- Allow System Inventory Overbooking
Allows a user to oversell items that have specified inventory. Inventory is set up under Settings > Products > Publication and Issue Setup.
- Allow Google Ad Manager Overbooking
The system pulls in inventory based on Google Ad Manager forecasts; there is no way for a user to override the project inventory. This permission allows a user to book an Impression Media item in Google Ad Manager even if the booked amount will go over what Google Forecasts.
Sell Delivery Solutions Past Material Due Date
Only applicable if Delivery Solution products are enabled, this permission allows a user to create a line item for a Delivery Solution service with a material due date in the past. Without this permission, the material due date must be set to a future date.
Update Start Date/Channel for Non–ready/Delivering GAM ItemsWith this permission, users can change the start date of a GAM item if it is in the past, change the impression count unless the item has been invoiced, and change the end date. These actions can only be done as long as the item is not running in GAM and the line item has not been paid.
- Publisher or Organization Approve Orders
Allows a user to approve an order at 10% and set it to 90%. A 90% order can go to a customer.
- Client Approve Orders
Allows a user to approve an order on behalf of a customer. The 90% order will go to 95% and can’t be editted until the order is 100% approved.
- Finance Approve Orders
Allows a user to approve a 95% order. The user could edit commissions, add installments, or reject the order.
- Access to All Pending Orders
Give a user access to approve all orders in the system. Otherwise the user will can only approve his or her orders.
Gives a user the ability to search orders in the system. Search orders is found under Sales > Orders.
Gives a user the ability to select past issues in the order creation process. Whether or not an issue is in the past is determined by the Artwork Due (Hard Close) Date. With this permission, you can sell three months into the past for print ads, and one month into the past for digital advertisements.
- Create Orders for Closed Issues
This user permission is only visible and editable by your system’s Chief Administrator. The Chief Admin can grant this permission to other users, but if you typically have access to User Permissions you may not see this permission. With this permission, you are able to sell into Print or Digital Issues for up to 5 years in the past. This is regardless of if your system has Issue Close Processing Enabled or not, meaning you can sell into manually closed issues, which not possible without this permission.
Gives a user the ability to delete a 100 percent confirmed order from the orders tab on the company overview page. You can set up lost reasons under Settings > Sales > Lost Sales Reasons to better track why customers are canceling orders.
Gives a user the ability to delete Allow a user to delete other rep’s orders or line items. and incomplete orders from the pending orders tab on the company overview page.
Gives a user access to the ‘Edit Line Item Rep Splits’ bulk action on the Products tab of creating an order. The bulk action allows users to assign rep splits for commissions on the line items on pending, or incomplete orders.
Gives a user the ability to export a list of orders to a CSV file from the Orders page. Users will need the Search Orders permission to Export Orders
Gives a user the ability to view all 100 percent approved orders, regardless of if they are the order rep or not.
A user will also have the ability to edit all orders regardless of if they are the rep on the order. This includes changing the various contacts associated with the order, changing the order rep and adding a credit card, PO number, prepay or special billing.
Gives a user the ability to edit line items on a 100 percent approved order. This includes changing the ad size, color, issue and price. A user will also have the ability to edit the commission splits and percentages.
Only available if your site has digital media sales enabled, this permission allows users to access the ‘Ready for Ad Server’ checkbox when adding or editing line items that get pushed to an Ad Server (for example GAM or Broadstreet).
Gives a user the ability to edit line items on 100 percent approved orders when the item has been invoiced. A user will need the permission to edit orders and sales splits.
Gives a user the ability to edit line items on fully approved orders that are past their material due dates. The user will also need the permission to edit orders and sales splits.
Gives a user the ability to edit the price of a service item when it is on a 100 percent approved order.
Gives a user the ability to edit the sold date of an order after an order has been 100 percent approved.
Gives a user the ability to clone line items on a 100 percent approved order. Cloning a line item will recreate that line item on the same order. Also gives a user the ability to reorder a 100 percent approved order and adjust the issues in that order. Also gives a user the ability to copy a pending order to another company.
Gives the user the ability to add recurring to an order. Recurring an order will automatically generate another order once the recurrence threshold has been met. The new order will need approval.This recurring method will continue to create these new orders forever unless a user has set an end date or a user manually tells the system to stop. The recurrence threshold is set up in Settings > System Configurations > Sales - Orders.
Gives a user the ability to add recurring to a line item. Recurring a line item on an order will automatically generate another line item on that order once the recurrence threshold has been met. The new line item will not need any approval. This recurring method will continue to create new line items forever unless a user has set an end date or a user manually tells the system to stop. The recurrence threshold is set up in Settings > System Configurations> Sales > Orders.
Gives a user the ability to upload a contract PDF to have on file in the system after the order is 100 percent approved. To upload another contract, a user will need to click on “view order history” under the actions field on a particular order. Here they will have the ability to upload another contract.
The permission will allow a user to turn off the pre-payment required for a service line item even if that service is set up to require pre-payment.
Gives a user the ability to add or edit existing installment billing on an order that has been approved at the publisher or client level or is 100 percent approved.
Restricts the user to only selling to the publications they are tied to in their user configuration. Publication restrictions only work if you have the Enable Sales Rep / Publication Association enabled.
Allow a user to create an Ad Hoc Group when entering a new order.
Allow a user to add a new products to a confirmed order on a company’s order detail page.
Allows a user to define the invoice amount on each line item on the Billing tab of the order creation process. Only applicable if the Allow Line Item Invoice Amounts system configuration is enabled. Without this permission you cannot set line item invoice amounts that differ from the line item value.
Gives a user access to the Order History search page. The Order Histoy pages allow users to see change history for every order in the system. The page is usually reserved for management.
Gives a user the ability to view all order history information, including detailed information such as any post approval changes that were made. Without this permission a user would only be able to see basic order history, such as timestamps for approval and invoice creation.
Allows a user to turn on or off the ‘disable order re-pricing' setting when editing approved orders.
- Create Order Level Discounts
Gives a user the ability to discount an order at the order level. A user can discount an order by setting a new order total or giving a flat discount. The discount is applied porportially to all line items. A user will be limited to the amount they can discount based on their user permissions.
- First, second, and third level order discounts
Allows a user to add order discounts up to the first, second, or third discount levels depending on which permissions they have. A user will not be able to add an order level discount that is higher than their given permissions.
- Create Ad Hoc Named Discounts
Gives a user the ability to create ad hoc discount or fee when creating an order and determine if they would like it to show on the contract.
- Upgrade Ad Size
Gives a user the ability to upgrade the ad size on an order
- Apply Frequency Discount
Gives a user the ability to apply a frequency discount set up in the rate card if the order does not have that specified frequency
- Discount Over 100%
Allows a user to discount a line item below the $0. This feature was design to allow a user to adjust financial data. An item that is discounted below $0 will not be invoiceable and will NOT create a production ticket.
Gives a user access to Sales > Proposals. You must have the proposal module enabled. You must also have at least Search Proposal or Create Proposal to see the Proposal menu option.
- Create Proposal
Gives a user the ability to create proposals. Proposal may require approval before you can send them to a customer. You should only use proposal is you plan to have your customer leverage client center. Client Center will track what parts of the proposals your customer is reviewing and allow them to add discussions/notes.
- Search Proposals
Gives a user the ability to search proposals.
- Sign Proposal on Behalf of Client
Gives a user the ability to sign a proposal on behalf of their client. Without this permission, a proposal can only be accepted if a client logs into the client center and signs it.
- Convert Proposal to Order
Gives a user the ability to convert a proposal into an order.
- Delete Proposals
Gives a user the ability to delete proposals.
- Add/Edit Opportunities
Gives a user the ability to add and edit sales opportunities. These opportunities can be tied to activities and orders.
- Edit Opportunity Owner
Gives a user the ability to edit the opportunity owner. The options for the opportunity owner are restricted to the reps on the company.
- Forecast Management
Lets a user access the Forecast Management page, where opportunities and pipelines can be viewed and interacted with in a Kanban board view.
- Forecast Management All Users
Allows a user to view forecast and opportunity information on the Forecast Management page for all users. Without the permission, you can only see your own opportunities, or those of users who report to you.
- Lead Status Report
Access to this report will allow a user to see the lead source and status of contacts in the system
- View All Users
This permission allows the user to view data for all other users. Otherwise, the user will only see their data and/or data for user who report to him or her.
- Export Forecast and Lead Status Reports
Gives a user the ability to export the forecast and the lead status report to a CSV.
Updated 1/15/2025