A magazine publisher is nothing without its subscribers. Managing subscriptions, however, can be complicated. Ad Orbit lets you ditch the bloated Excel spreadsheets and confusing outdated databases. Allow subscribers to sign up and pay online with a custom branded module you can place on your website. If you have distribution routes, Ad Orbit also can help with that, giving managers the ability to set drop off locations, establish routes, and sync them with Google Maps. Create custom Subscriber Portals that allow all of your subscribers access to their subscriptions, with auto-renewal, subscription scheduler, and address verification functionality.
Manage subscriber info
Collect new subscriptions with payment details online
Enable auto-renewals for subscribers
Utilize the Subscriber Center, creating branded Subscriber Portals
Verify correct addresses
The Subscription module can function differently for each customer based on system configurations. Here are all the configurations you may want to review before using the system. All of our help documents will give you an overview of how the system works, but you may need to consult support for specific workflow issues based on your configurations and can use our guided walkthroughs for step-by-step direction.
Customers can choose not to persist their credit card when buying a subscription. To allow a single-use payment, the subscription must start within a specified number of days after the day the subscription is created. For example, if the configuration is 60 days and the subscriber enters a subscription that starts 45 days from today, the subscriber will have the option to not persist the credit card. However, if the subscriber enters a subscription today and it starts 90 days from today, the subscriber won’t have the opportunity to make a single-use payment.
If you always want to allow the user to not persist the card, set the field to a very large number.
The system will use the selected template when creating subscription invoices for auto-renewed subscriptions.
You can set the default invoice template for the initial subscription when setting up your subscription web forms.
Enable nightly processing of payments for subscription invoices. The system will process payments for subscription invoices that have a valid credit card and a shipped subscription.
If you don't enable this feature, you will have to manually process payments.
Default shipped value for subscriptions to shipped. Print subscriptions need to be marked to shipped to trigger payment processing. If set to no, you will need to mark subscriptions as shipped individually or use the bulk action on the subscription search.
You should set this to No, if you want to wait to mark subscriptions as shipped until the actual shipped date.
Enable nightly processing of payments for subscription invoices. When enabled, the system will charge any credit card on a subscription that is marked as shipped. If not enabled, all credit card must be processed manually.
The gifter will receive all notification for subscription renewals reminders before the subscription ends. When the subscription is within the notification day range, the notifications will start to go to the giftee/recipient.
The system can automatically send a subscription email to your subscribers when a subscription is about to auto-renew. Make sure to update the email template and set the Subscription Auto-Renewal Email Days before enabling the feature.
The email is only sent to subscribers who have a subscription set to auto-renew.
Determine how many days before a subscription auto-renews to send a notification. You can enter multiple days so the reminder is sent more than once. You must have subscription auto-renewal email configuration enabled.
The system can automatically send a subscription reminder email to your subscribers. The system will send the email based on the Subscription Renewal Email Days. Make sure to update the subscription reminder email template before enabling this feature.
Determine how many days before a subscription expires to send a subscription expiration reminder. You can enter multiple days if you want a subscriber to get more than one notification. You must have subscription renewal email enabled.
Enter the email address you want to receive a notification whenever a subscription is created through the web forms.
Enable this feature to send an email when a subscription is created via the webform. The email will go to the Subscription Webform Notification Email.
When required, a subscriber can’t create a new subscription on the web form with an email address that exists in your system. The customer will see a notification to login to their account or reset their password.
There are multiple parts of your site you may want to review before using this module. Make sure you have the following items setup:
Subscription plans
Subscription Invoice Template
Subscription Webform
There are many ways you can leverage the system to keep in contact with your subscribers, including sending automated subscription renewal and payment reminders. There are a handful of system configurations and email templates that you should review in order to set up subscription notifications. As with all the system email templates, you can personalize the template using the custom tags.
One important item to note is the system configuration ‘Gift Subscription Notification Days’. If there is a gift subscription, all the following notifications – whether emailed, printed, automated, or manually generated – by default will be sent to the giftor, not the recipient of the gift. However, the value set in the Gift Subscription Notification Days will prompt the system to begin notifying the recipient rather than the giftor. For example, if you have a value of 15 entered in the configuration, then 15 days prior to the gift subscription expiring, the system will begin sending renewal and expiration reminders to the recipient of the gift, rather than the giftor. To review this configuration, navigate to Settings > System Configurations – Operations – Circulation.
Automated Renewal Emails
It’s a simple process to enable automated subscription renewal emails, whether the subscription is set to auto-renew or be renewed manually. The Subscription Auto-Renewal Reminder email is intended to be used as a courtesy to notify your subscribers that their subscription will be automatically renewed, so they are not surprised when they are charged. Once you have reviewed your email templates and enabled the system configurations, these emails will be sent out automatically whenever a subscription meets the criteria.
Subscription Auto-Renewal Reminder
If you would like the system to automatically send out reminders to subscribers whose subscriptions are set to auto-renew, then navigate to Settings > System Configurations – Operations – Circulation and set the configuration ‘Enable subscription auto-renewal email’ to yes.
Once you have enabled the subscription auto-renewal email, you should also review the configuration ‘Subscription Auto-Renewal Email Days’. This configuration sets the intervals at which the automated email will be sent out, prior to the subscription’s auto-renewal date. You can enter multiple numbers in this field, separated by a comma to send out multiple reminder emails.
When you have your configurations set up, you will also need to review the subscription auto-renewal reminder email template. Navigate to Settings >Templates > System Emails and click on the number in the subtemplates column for the Subscription Auto-Renewal Reminder email template. From the subtemplates page, you can either edit an existing subtemplate, or create a new one.
As with all the system email templates, you can personalize the template using the custom tags.
The Subscription Auto-Renewal Reminder email is intended to be used as a courtesy to notify your subscribers that their subscription will be automatically renewed, so they are not surprised when they are charged.
Once you have reviewed your email templates and enabled the system configurations, these emails will be sent out automatically whenever a subscription meets the criteria.
Subscription Renewal Reminder
If you would like the system to automatically send out reminders to subscribers whose subscriptions are nearing their expiration date, and are not set to auto-renew, then navigate to Settings > System Configurations – Operations – Circulation and set the configuration ‘Enable subscription renewal email’ to yes.
Once you have enabled the subscription renewal email, you should also review the configuration ‘Subscription Renewal Email Days’. This configuration sets the intervals at which the automated email will be sent out, prior to the subscription’s expiration date. You can enter multiple numbers in this field, separated by a comma to send out multiple reminder emails.
When you have your configurations set up, you will also need to review the subscription expiration reminder email template. Navigate to Settings > Templates > System Emails and click on the number in the subtemplates column for the Subscription Expiration Reminder (Auto) email template. From the subtemplates page, you can either edit an existing subtemplate, or create a new one.
As with all the system email templates, you can personalize the template using the custom tags.
The Subscription Auto-Renewal Reminder email is intended to both notify your customers their subscription is ending soon, and to give them convenient options to renew their subscription right from the email.
Once you have reviewed your email templates and enabled the system configurations, these emails will be sent out automatically whenever a subscription meets the criteria.
Manual Renewal and Expiration Emails
There is also a way to manually send out subscription renewal email reminders. For these, you will need to review some of the subscription email templates. Navigate to Settings > Templates > System Emails. To edit any of the templates, simply click on the number in the subtemplates column. From the subtemplates page, you can either edit an existing subtemplate, or create a new one. As with all the system emails, you can personalize the template using the custom tags.
Subscription Expiration Reminder (Email) templates: 30 Days, 60 Days, and 90 Days
Each of these templates is used when a subscription’s expiration date is upcoming. These reminder emails are intended to both notify your subscribers that their subscription will be ending soon, and to give them a convenient option to renew their subscription right from the email.
Subscription Has Expired (Email) template
This template is used for subscriptions that have been expired for less than 30 days. It is intended to both notify your subscribers that their subscription has recently ended, and to give them a convenient option to renew their subscription right from the email.
Subscription Expiration Reminder (Email) template: 30+ Days
This template is used for subscriptions that have been expired for longer than 30 days. It is intended to both notify your subscribers that their subscription has ended and give them a reminder that they can easily renew their subscription
To send any of the above renewal or expiration reminder emails, you will need to navigate to the Subscription Search page. The easiest way to take advantage of the emails is to use the ‘Expiration’ search filter. The filter has options for 30 Days, 60 Days, 90 Days, Just Expired, and Post 30 Days. You can then search for all the subscriptions that meet the criteria of expiring within 30 days, for example, and send a bulk email from the search. The system will automatically select the email template that corresponds with the expiration criteria. For example, if you searched for expiring within 30 days, the email that would be send would be the Subscription Expiration Reminder (Email) - 30 Days template.
Printed Renewal and Expiration Notifications
You also have the option to manually print and mail subscription renewal and expiration notifications. The process to configure these is the same as the manual renewal and expiration emails, but instead you will use the system email templates that include the word ‘Print’, rather than ‘Email’. To set up the templates, Navigate to Settings > Templates > System Emails. To edit any of the templates, simply click on the number in the subtemplates column. From the subtemplates page, you can either edit an existing subtemplate, or create a new one. As with all the system emails, you can personalize the template using the custom tags.
Subscription Expiration Reminder (Print) templates: 30 Days, 60 Days, and 90 Days
Each of these templates is used when a subscription’s expiration date is upcoming. These printed reminders are intended to both notify your subscribers that their subscription will be ending soon, and to provide them with information as to how they can renew the subscription
Subscription Has Expired (Print) template
This printed template is used for subscriptions that have been expired for less than 30 days. It is intended to both notify your subscribers that their subscription has recently ended, and to provide them with information as to how they can renew the subscription
Subscription Expiration Reminder (Print) template: 30+ Days
This printed template is used for subscriptions that have been expired for longer than 30 days. It is intended to both notify your subscribers that their subscription has ended and give them a reminder that they can easily renew their subscription.
To print any of the above renewal or expiration reminder reminders, you will need to navigate to the Subscription Search page. The easiest way to take advantage of the reminders is to use the ‘Expiration’ search filter. The filter has options for 30 Days, 60 Days, 90 Days, Just Expired, and Post 30 Days. You can then search for all the subscriptions that meet the criteria of expiring within 30 days, for example, select all the subscriptions you would like to print reminders for, and click the ‘Print Selected’ bulk action. The system will automatically select the template that corresponds with the expiration criteria. For example, if you searched for expiring within 30 days, the template that would be selected would be the Subscription Expiration Reminder (Print) - 30 Days template. Clicking ‘Print Selected’ will generate PDF reminders for each subscription, which you can then print out and mail to your subscribers.
Subscription Webform Notification
If you use the system’s subscription webforms, you can enable an email notification which will alert you each time a new subscription is created through the webform. Unlike other subscription emails, the Subscription Webform Notification email is intended for internal use and notifies your team of a new subscription. Depending on how you set up the email template, the notification can include details about both the subscriber and their new subscription.
In order to receive the email notification, you will need to navigate to Settings > System Configurations – Operations – Circulation. Set the configuration ‘Send Subscription Webform Notification’ to yes. This configuration is what will prompt the email to be automatically sent each time a new subscription is submitted through the webform.
You will also need to enter an email address into the ‘Subscription Webform Notification Email’ configuration field, which is the email address that the notification will be sent to.
When you have your configurations set up, you will also need to review the Subscription Webform Notification email template. Navigate to Settings > Templates > System Emails and click on the number in the subtemplates column for the Subscription Webform Notification email template. From the subtemplates page, you can either edit an existing subtemplate, or create a new one.
As with all the system email templates, you can personalize the template using the custom tags.
Unlike other subscription emails, the Subscription Webform Notification email is intended for internal use and notifies your team of a new subscription. Depending on how you set up the email template, the notification can include details about both the subscriber and their new subscription.
Subscription Invoice Email
You may also wish to send your subscribers copies of their invoices. To do this, you simply need to review a system email template.
Navigate to Settings > Templates > System Emails and click on the number in the subtemplates column for the Subscription Invoice template. From the subtemplates page, you can either edit an existing subtemplate, or create a new one. Unlike other system emails, there are no custom tags available for the template, but you can still format the email however you choose.
Once your template is set up, navigate to Subscriptions > Invoices and use the search fields to find the desired invoices. You can then either click on the ellipsis for an individual invoice and select Email PDF Invoice to send a single invoice email, or you can use the check boxes to select all the invoices you would like to send and use the ‘Email Selected’ bulk action. Your subscribers will then receive an email with an attached invoice for their records.
Subscription Invoice Due Reminder
Not only can you set up the system to remind your subscribers of upcoming renewals and expirations, you can also enable subscription invoice reminders, helping you to receive your payments on time. Once you have reviewed your email templates and enabled the system configurations, these emails will be sent out automatically whenever a subscription invoice meets the criteria.
To enable subscription invoice due reminders, navigate to Settings > System Configurations – Finance – Emails and set the configuration ‘Send Subscription Invoice Due Reminder’ to yes. This will allow the system to automatically send subscription invoice due notifications to your subscribers.
You will also need to review the configuration ‘Subscription Invoice Due Reminder Days’. This configuration sets the intervals at which the automated email will be sent out, prior to the invoice’s due date. You can enter multiple numbers in this field, separated by a comma to send out multiple reminder emails.
When you have your configurations set up, you will also need to review the subscription invoice due reminder email template. Navigate to Settings > Templates > System Emails and click on the number in the subtemplates column for the Subscription Invoice Due Reminder email template. From the subtemplates page, you can either edit an existing subtemplate, or create a new one.
As with all the system email templates, you can personalize the template using the custom tags.
The Subscription Invoice Due Reminder email is intended to notify your subscribers that they have an upcoming invoice, which gives them time to provide a payment.
Once you have reviewed your email templates and enabled the system configurations, these emails will be sent out automatically whenever a subscription invoice meets the criteria.
Subscription Payment Due Reminder
We also provide a way to notify subscribers when they have an overdue payment. The Subscription Invoice Due Reminder email notifies subscribers that an invoice is due soon, but the Subscription Payment Due Reminder email is to notify subscribers that their invoice is past due, and they have an outstanding balance. Once you have reviewed your email templates and enabled the system configurations, these emails will be sent out automatically whenever a payment is overdue on a subscription invoice at the intervals set in your configurations.
To enable subscription payment due reminders, navigate to Settings > System Configurations – Finance – Emails and set the configuration ‘Send Subscription Payment Due Reminder’ to yes. This will allow the system to automatically send subscription payment due notifications to your subscribers.
You will also need to review the configuration ‘Subscription Payment Due Reminder Days’. This configuration sets the intervals at which the automated email will be sent out, after the invoice’s due date. You can enter multiple numbers in this field, separated by a comma to send out multiple reminder emails.
When you have your configurations set up, you will also need to review the subscription payment due reminder email template. Navigate to Settings > Templates > System Emails and click on the number in the subtemplates column for the Subscription Invoice Payment Due Reminder email template. From the subtemplates page, you can either edit an existing subtemplate, or create a new one.
As with all the system email templates, you can personalize the template using the custom tags.
The Subscription Invoice Payment Due Reminder email is used to notify your subscribers that they have an outstanding balance on an invoice, and to request that they make a payment.
Once you have reviewed your email templates and enabled the system configurations, these emails will be sent out automatically whenever a payment is overdue on a subscription invoice at the intervals set in your configurations.
Transaction Receipt Email
Whenever a transaction is electronically processed within the system, we have a configuration in place that sends a transaction summary email to the customer, so they have a copy of the transaction record. This notification can not only be used for your regular invoice payments but can also be applied to payments made on subscriptions. Once you have reviewed your email templates and enabled the system configuration, these emails will be sent out automatically to the subscriber whenever a payment is processed for their subscription.
To enable a e-payment emails, navigate to Settings > System Configurations – Finance – Emails and set the configuration ‘Send E-Payment Email to Customer’ to yes. This will allow the system to automatically send transaction receipt emails whenever a payment is electronically processed, including payments on subscriptions.
When you have your configuration set up, you will also need to review the subscription electronic transaction receipt email template. Navigate to Settings > Templates > System Emails and click on the number in the subtemplates column for the Subscription Electronic Transaction Receipt email template. From the subtemplates page, you can either edit an existing subtemplate, or create a new one.
As with all the system email templates, you can personalize the template using the custom tags.
The Subscription Electronic Transaction Receipt email is used to notify your customers that their payment has been processed and provide them with a copy of the transaction for their records.
Once you have reviewed your email templates and enabled the system configuration, these emails will be sent out automatically to the subscriber whenever a payment is processed for their subscription.
Updated 4/28/2023