Creating Reserved Digital Media Products
Reserved Digital Media Products are used in conjunction with the Reserved Product Scheduler, so that the sales team can sell digital media items that will run within a certain range of time, and the production team will determine the exact dates later. Follow the steps below to create a Reserved Product.
We recommend reviewing these items before using Reserved Products:
Ad Sizes
GL Classes
There are two items you need to have set up before you will be able to create Reserved Products: set up a publication to use digital media and set up a product category to use the Reserved Product inventory type. You will only need to set these up once, however you may wish to review them from time to time or add new publications for digital media or have multiple Reserved Product categories, depending on how you want your system configured.
You must have at least one Publication set up for Digital Media. When adding or editing a Publication, the field ‘Use for Digital Media,’ must be set to Yes. Once this is set up, you will need to add the Sizes, Placements, and Channels you want to be able to use for your Digital Media items sold on that Publication. Review your Publication settings by going to Settings > Products > Publication & Issue Setup.
There must be at least one Product Category set up to use the Reserved Product inventory type. Go to Settings > Products > Product Categories and add a new category. Name the category and set the inventory type to Reserved Product. The system will automatically allow the category on orders, but you can choose whether to display it in the client center, and whether it is only editable by admin.
Once a Product Category is created, the inventory type cannot be edited.
Now that you have a Publication set up for Digital Media, and a Product Category set up to use the Reserved Product inventory type, you can begin creating your Reserved Products. Navigate to Settings > Products > Reserved Products.
To access this page, you must have the User Permission ‘Slot, Impression, Reserved & Targeted Display Products.’
Click ‘Add Reserved Product.’ On the add/edit product page, you can begin entering information for your product.
Add your product name and choose the category. The product name will be displayed on the contract to your customer and in reports.
Add your rate. For Reserved Products, this is a flat rate per unit sold. You can also choose whether to allow User Defined Pricing for the product or not.
The reminder offset days will affect when artwork reminders go out and how many days from the start date you want your customers to provide materials. For example, if you have a date on the product of 4/15 and an offset day of 5, the customer will need to get your materials by 4/10.
By default, the Group Tickets field will be set to No, so tickets created for the product will not get grouped automatically. Change this field to Yes if you wish the tickets created for your product to automatically be grouped.
The Assignment and Notification fields allow you to choose which users, if any, should be assigned to the ticket when the line item is created, and which users should be notified when the item is created or edited.
The Publication field is required for Reserved Products. The Publications that show up as options here are all the Publications in your system set up to use Digital Media. For each product, you must choose at least one Publication, but you can choose multiple. A user will have to select which Publications to use when putting the product on an order.
The placement field will load once you have selected your publication(s). If you are using multiple Publications, Placements will only show up if they are shared between publications. A User will not select a placement when placing an order; it is for internal production purposes.
The channel field works the same as the placements. You can only select a channel if it is shared between publications (when using more than one publication). A user can select a channel on the order page, but it is not a required field. Use the channel to better target your ad sales for your customers.
The ad size field is required but works the same way as the placement and channel field. A user cannot select the ad sizes on the order page. When the digital media ticket is created, it will list every ad size associated with the product. When assets are uploaded to the ticket, your production user can assign assets to the correct size and include the target URL or phone number.
If you have the internal configuration ‘Add placements, channels, and sizes directly to digital media products’ enabled, you will be able to select any placement, channel, or size to add to your digital media product, regardless of the publications selected. In this case, these items would get automatically added to your publication, if added to a product that uses the publication. You need to contact support to turn this configuration on or off.
If you would like the product to use a Commission Group’s commission percentage rather than a user’s model and plan, select the Commission Group here. Once you save the product, it will be added to the Commission Group and use the group’s percentage.
You can specify any finance details for the product in the Finance Info field. The Finance Info and GL Class fields will update your General Ledger exports. You may see a Default GL Class if you have a Media GL Class enabled. When creating an order, the product will use this GL Class as the default, but it can be overridden.
The agency discount field determines if you can add an agency discount to the product and what type it will be: Gross or Net.
Finally, you can add a description to list all the details about the product to your customer. The description will show up on the contract for the customer.
Updated 11/04/2022