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Job Ticket Support Hour Metrics

The Job Ticket Support Hour Metrics report breaks down the time spent by your users on support tickets. The data is shown in multiple formats, including summarized numbers, a visual graph, and a table. Tickets will show up in this report if it is a support ticket, and a user has recorded time to it. This is done by using the ticket timer on the support ticket page.

Before using this report, we recommend you have the following set up:

Report Search and Results

The three search fields for this report are View By, Year, and Company.

  • View By gives you control over how the results are shown. By default, this field is set to ‘Tickets’, but can be changed to ‘Users’ or ‘Company’. In all three views, you’ll see a table of the data.

    • When viewing the results by Ticket, you’ll see summary boxes showing the total time, total tickets, and average time spent per ticket. There will also be a chart breaking down number of tickets and hours spend for each month of the year. Hovering over the graph will give you specific information about the data points.

      • In the table, you can click the ticket ID to quickly navigate to that ticket’s page in the system.

    • If viewing the report by Users, you’ll see a graph that shows each user who spent time on support tickets, the number of tickets they worked on, the total hours spent, and the average time spent on each ticket. Hovering over a data point will give you more specifics about that item.

    • Viewing the report by Company is the simplest view, and will just display a table of the data, reflecting the ticket hour metrics by company. This will include information such as number of tickets worked on, average ticket time, and how many users worked on tickets for that company.

There is one final viewing option for the report. If you set ‘View By’ to ‘Company’ and enter a specific company name into the search field, you’ll see a visual representation of the company data. This view shows a breakdown of the time each user spent on tickets for that company, as well as their total time spent on tickets for the company and total hours worked. There’s also a graph that breaks down the monthly time spent on tickets for that company.


You can also get to this view by clicking on the icon in the Action column when filtering the report by Company if there isn’t a specific company searched for.

New 4/21/2023