There is a URL field on the company page. You can make it a required field when entering any new company. You can use the URL and quick-fill link to populate the company profile with data based on the URL domain.
Set this to 'yes' if you want your users to enter an address whenever they add a new company into the system.
Set this to 'yes' if you want your users to enter an opportunity whenever they enter a new company into the system. You may want to use this feature if you only want fewer companies in the system and only want companies that your users feel there is a valid sales opportunity.
Set this to 'yes' if you want the required PO field to automatically get set to yes on all new companies. The require PO setting means a user must have a PO number associated with any order for the company. You can update the PO setting on a company by company basis, but this configuration will make all companies have the requirement by default.
When set to ‘yes’, a Tax ID will need to be set on every company. If set to ‘no’, the field will be optional.
The number of months to look out for sales to determine if an account is new or not.
You can set this from 0-1, which indicates at what threshold you want the item to be held. For example, 1 says there is an exact match in the system, 0 is it can’t find anything close to it. If you enter the word ‘the’ as a company name you’ll get an index of around 25% for matches like ‘The Other Business’ or even companies with the letters ‘the’ in them. If the Company name is ‘Settlement’ and there is a company called the ‘The Settlement’ it will end up being 60-80% similar. So you can decide how high of a threshold you want to put in the hold queue, e.g. if you set it to 0.8 then only firms that have a high match probability will end up in the queue. Once the item is in the queue it can only be cleared, and order enabled, if you have permissions to do so.
If a user has a future activity scheduled within the grace period, the activity is considered an account activity. This will prevent the account from showing up on the Accounts W/O Activity Report even if the account has not had an activity.
Determine how many days of inactivity are allowed before an account is added to the Accounts W/O Activity report. This report alerts the user of accounts that require an action. The system by default notifies a user if an account has had no activity within the past 30 days.
You can limit how many new accounts your sales reps can own. If reps want access to a new account but have exceeded their limit, they must give up an account.
You must turn on the ability to Restrict Rep Prospect Accounts and set a number of Prospect Accounts a Rep can have.
If reps try to add themselves to a Prospect Account and they are at the threshold, the system will alert them that they are going to exceed their threshold.
The rep will have to un-assign themselves from another Prospect Account.
You can keep track of how many New/Prospects Accounts a Rep has by adding the New Accounts Rep Widget.
An Account is considered a Prospect Account if the account doesn’t have orders within the New Account Range.
Enable this feature to prevent reps from adding new accounts beyond their prospect account threshold. For users to own more accounts, they will either need to make a sale to their current prospects or give up an account.
Automatically add reps to approval queue when a company’s category is updated.
Enable the ability to create Company and Contact Assets, which function similar to metadata tags. You can use a curated list of tags to further sort and filter your Companies and Contacts. Assets can have different data types: money, decimal, text, date, and number. Assets must be entered on an individual basis; there isn't a way to bulk add assets.
You can add assets to a dynamic attribute field on the line item. For example, you can create a text asset such as product, and then associate a company's asset to their orders.
There are two search pages for company and contact assets, which allow you to use greater or less than searches and other conditional searches. The purpose is to find companies or contacts based on values and date ranges.