Issue Goal Metrics Report
The Issue Goal Metrics report shows you the revenue, the average page rate, pages sold, and the percentage to goal for an issue. The report will summarize the data at the issue level and show you the values for the individual reps. You can also use this report to compare issues from month to month or from the previous year.
Issue Goals Set up Rep Sales Goals
The report can be used in one of two ways. In order to run the report, you must enter a value in the first Publication filter and the first Issue filter. When you enter a value in the Publication filter, the Issue filter will automatically populate with all of the issues for that publication. If you would like to narrow down your Issue options, then you can enter dates in the Issue Start and End Date search fields. If dates are entered, then only issues that are within the date restriction, and belong to the chosen publication will display as an option. If you only enter information for one publication and issue, the report will display revenue and goal information for that issue, in both a summary view and broken down by rep. You can also choose to either include or exclude barter amounts from your results.
You may also use the report to compare issues. To do this, simply enter information into the second set of Publication and Issue search filters. Once again, you may choose to enter Issue Start and End Dates to narrow down the issue options, and can choose to include or exclude barter from your results.
There will be two tables displayed in the report. The first table will be a summary of the revenue, goal, and page rate information for the issue. The second table shows the issue goals broken down by rep. The rep table will show the revenue, the pages sold, the average page rate, and the percent of goal for each rep. In this table, the percent of the goal is based on the rep’s individual issue goals, whereas the summary table uses the combined issue goals for all the reps.
If you choose to compare issues, there again will be two tables displayed in the report, the first table being a summary of the revenue and goal information. When issues are compared, however, the summary table will also display information for the issue to which the original issue is being compared. The issue that is being compared will display the revenue difference, the page difference, and the APR difference. Any values that are greater for the original issue than the issue it is being compared to will show up in green. Any values that are less than the issue it’s being compared to will show up in red.
The second table will have the results broken down by rep. When issues are compared, revenue, pages sold, APR, and percent of the goal will display for each rep for both issues. There will also be a comparison section showing the revenue and APR differences between the two issues. Like the summary table, the rep table will show any results that are greater than the issue being compared in green, and any values that are less will show up in red.