Selling a Back Issue
You can set up back issues in your e-commerce storefront. You can set up a hard-good product for each issue or use options and variants. We will go over creating a Hard Good product for each issue. Whether you set up multiple products or use options/variants, you need to start by creating a hard-good product.
Go to Settings > Products > Store Products, click on add product and select Hard Good.
Enter the name and a description for the product.
If you create a product for each back issue, you can use the description field let the customer know some of your issue highlights.
Go to the information page to add a price. Go to the image tab to add the image(s) that display on your storefront, e.g. You can add the Cover image for the issue.
If you have multiple publication and back issues, you should consider creating multiple categories for better site navigation. For example, you could create a Back Issues parent category and a Child category for each Publication.
If you have limited inventory, you should set the product to require inventory; this will require you set up a variant for every product.