Monthly Subscription Metrics
The Monthly Subscription Metrics Report shows you a per month view of new, renewed, expired, and active subscriptions. The report will give you a bar graph and values for each type per month, as well as a table showing information about each subscription. You can also export all of the subscriptions returned in the results.
Before using this report, we recommend you have the following set up:
To access the report, you must have the User Permission ‘Monthly Subscription Metrics’
Report Search and Results
You must select a start month and year to run the report, but you can choose to narrow down your results by using the other search fields, including publication, media type, source, promo code, and any dynamic contact or subscription attributes. The system will find all subscriptions that are active, new, expired, or renewed that fit the search criteria. The data will be displayed in both a graph and a table format.
The graph displays the subscriptions based on whether the subscription is active, new, expired, or renewed, broken down by month of the year. Hovering over one of the bars or data points will provide the exact number of subscriptions for that record. The graph will also display the current year’s active subscription trend. If you choose the search option ‘Show Year Ago Actives’, then you will also be able to see the previous year’s active trend in order to compare the year trends easily.
Active: Includes all new, renewed, or current subscriptions in the month.
Renewed: Any subscription that was created via a renewal action with a start date in the month.
Expired: Any subscription that is set to expire in the current month.
New: A brand new subscription that was created with a start date in the month. New will not include any renewal subscriptions.
There is a table underneath the graph that displays the same data but in a different format.
There is also a subscription table that shows information about all of the subscriptions that fit the search criteria. The table displays details about the actual subscription, including the publication, start and end dates and issues, and if it was gifted or renewed. The table also shows data about the subscriber, including name, company (when applicable), and address.