Create a Purchase Order
Create a new purchase order to keep track of your expenses. Before you create a new purchase order, make sure to set up your purchase order template, class, groups, and accounts. You must also have at least one vendor record.
There are some items we recommend having in place before using this feature:
Offices: Settings > Organization > Offices
Purchase Order Templates: Settings > Templates > Purchase Orders
Purchase Order Classes: Settings > Payables > Classes
Purchase Order Groups and Accounts: Settings > Payables > Groups & Accounts
PO Items: Settings > Payables > PO Items
To create a new Purchase Order (PO), go to Payables > Purchase Orders and click the Create Purchase Order button, or use the quick add menu at the top of the page.
The system will set the PO Number field by default to the next number in your sequence, but this can be overridden if needed.
Next, you will need to select a purchase order template and class. The class will determine what expense accounts and items you can add to your purchase order.
The Bill From section is for you to enter the Vendor who will supply the goods or services. Your vendor must have at least one contact.
If the Vendor is associated with any active projects in your system, there will be an additional Projects field that shows up here. If you choose a project from the dropdown, the PO that is created, as well as the vendor contact, will be automatically associated with that project.
The Bill To section is for you to select your Publisher and the office where the goods will be shipped, or the services will be provided. The system will use the office contact for display purposes on the purchase order template.
Set your Order Date, Expected Receipt of goods/service, and Expiration Dates. The Order Date and Expected Receipt dates will both default to the current date, and the Expiration Date will default to one month in the future. These dates can be changed as needed.
The next step is to add items to your PO from a list of predefined items or create custom items. All items must be tied to expense groups and accounts tied to your selected class.
Once you add an item, you will not be able to change the class of the purchase order.
Every item, whether a custom item or a pre-defined PO Item, will need a name, group, account, quantity, cost, and rate type specified before the Purchase Order can be created.
Finally, add any notes to the purchase order you want your vendor to see on the template.
Once you create the purchase order, the purchase order status will be based on your approval amount. The PO will get set to requested if you don’t have a permission or awaiting vendor approval if you do.
A requested PO must be approved by a user before it can get set to the Vendor.
The system can either automatically send an approved PO to the vendor or you can choose to manually send POs.