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Selling Event Products

There are various ways to sell tickets and booth products for your events, depending on how you leverage our Event Management module. You can sell event products through your storefront, or through our normal order entry process. To sell event items, you need to have a payment process enabled and a live event.

Selling Event Products Through the Storefront Directly to Customers

Selling event products through your storefront can be useful for a few reasons. If you are selling tickets to your event to the general public, this would be the easiest way for them to purchase the tickets. Or, if you use your storefront to sell items like print ads or slot products to companies, you can extend that functionality to sell event products to your clients as well.

  • To sell tickets or other event products through the storefront, you must have an event with products created, and a payment processor enabled.

  • First, you may want to review your Store Categories, by navigating to Settings > Ecommerce > Store Categories. Store Categories help to organize and group your products on the storefront. Depending on how many events you plan to host, you may only need a generic 'Events' category, or you may wish to create multiple sub-categories for each event.

  • Once you have reviewed your Store Categories, you will need to add a new store product. Navigate to Settings > Products > Store Products and click Add Product.

    • Choose the 'Event' Product Type, and select your event from the drop-down. You can then select the type of product you would like to sell, whether it is a ticket type or booth product.

    • On the following pages, you may need to enter additional information about your product, such as adding an image or additional description that will display on your ecommerce site. However, unlike other store products, products tied to an event will automatically populate with product options and variants based on the products you created for your event.

      • For example, if you have three ticket type products created for your event, all three of those ticket types will display under the Options tab of the Store Product edit page.

  • In order for your new product to show up on your storefront, make sure to save your product, then publish it by clicking on the ellipsis and selecting Publish.


    If you add additional products to your event from the Event Products tab, you will need to edit your store product and manually add the new event product as a Store Product Option.

  • When your customers go to your ecommerce site, they will be able to view all of the event products you have published. You can customize your storefront by navigating to Settings > System Design & Info > Store Setup & Design. Here, you can feature specific event products or the whole event category on your site.

  • If your customer purchases a ticket(s) on the storefront, they will have the choice to add Attendee information. The information will not be required, but they can enter the first and last names, email, and phone number information for each ticket they are purchasing. This contact information will be brought into Ad Orbit and will be visible on the Attendee tab of the Event Details page.


    Whoever purchased the tickets from the ecommerce store will show up as the Buyer on the Attendee tab.


    Event products sold through the storefront will not automatically be discontinued when the event is complete. It is up to the users to manually remove the event products from the storefront once the event has passed.

Entering a Back Office Order Event Sale

Much like other back office ecommerce sales, you can enter cart sales for events manually from within Ad Orbit. The process to do so will be the same as other ecommerce products.

  • Click the + icon on the top menu, and select Add Cart Order. This will bring you to the Create Ecommerce Order page, where you can begin entering information about the order.

    • On the Contact Info page, you will need to enter the name of a contact as well as the date of the sale.

    • The Items page is where you will select the event products the contact is purchasing, such as tickets or booth products. Click Add Item to choose the products and the quantity. You also have the option of entering promotion information here, if any is applicable.

    • If your product requires shipping, enter the shipping information on the following pages.

    • The last step is to review the details of the order and make the purchase. Select the payment method and click Place Order.

  • If the cart order was for a Ticket Type product, then both the ticket inventory, and the attendee information will be updated on the Event Details page.

Selling Event Products Using the Order Entry Process within Ad Orbit

Selling event products within Ad Orbit can be helpful when selling booth products to companies, or if a client wants to purchase some of your normal ad products as well as tickets to your event for some of its employees. The Event product type allows you to enter sales for your events in combination with your regular orders, through our normal order entry process within Ad Orbit.

  • Any product created on the Event's Product tab automatically allows you to sell that product through the normal order entry process in Ad Orbit. There are no additional steps you need to take to set up the product.


    You can only sell products to future events, you will not be allowed to sell products for an event whose event date has passed.

  • When you create a new order, you will see an Event Sales section on the Products page. Clicking on the + icon will prompt a pop-up where you can enter the information about the event product you are selling.

    • For each event product, you will be required to choose the event, the product type (ticket or booth), and the product, as well as entering a name, description, and quantity to be sold.

    • You can choose to enter additional information about the product here, such as a Display Group or dynamic attribute. Click Save once all the necessary information has been entered for your event item.


      Unlike other Service Products, when you add event products to an order, the billing date, due date, and event dates cannot be edited. These are determined by the dates of your event.

  • Any event line items added to the order will go through the normal order creation and approval process. Event products can be sold along with other service and ad sales on the order, and can even be invoiced and paid together.

  • The Event Details will be updated as you sell your event products. On the Overview tab, the Ticket Types table and Booths table will reflect how many products you sold, as well as how many are remaining. The Attendee tab will also have been updated with the quantity of tickets you sold, and you can add and edit attendee information for each event.

Selling Advertising Sponsorships

There is also a way to associate customers’ advertisement sales with your events, through Advertising Sponsorships. An example scenario is if you have an advertiser that is helping sponsor your event. They may be speaking at your event or partnering with you to cover some venue costs. If this advertiser purchases advertising space through you that is related to the event, you can make that connection on your line items, which can be tracked on the event and through various reports.

  • Print Ad, Digital Ad, and all Digital Media line item types can be associated with an event, to create an Advertising Sponsorship.

  • These associations can be made on proposals and on orders.

  • When adding a line item to an order or proposal, there will be an optional ‘Associate with an Event’ dropdown, where you can choose an event to associate with your line item.

  • The rest of the line item and order or proposal can be created as normal.

  • Once created, your Advertising Sponsorships can be viewed on the Advertising Sponsorships tab of your event.

  • Additionally, these items can be found on various reports throughout the system, such as the Consolidated Sales report, when filtering the report by that event.

Updated 11/13/2024