Mapping your HubSpot Fields to your System
Before you start syncing contacts between your HubSpot account and Ad Orbit, you should map what fields you want to come over from HubSpot. The process of mapping fields is selecting the HubSpot field to populate in Ad Orbit . You do not have to map to all Ad Orbit fields, but some are required. You can also choose to add your own default data for a field for any new HubSpot contact. For example, you may want to set the Lead Source to Organic for HubSpot always. You can map both contact and company fields.
First Name, Last Name, and Email are preset and can't be changed. Those fields are required for both a HubSpot and an Ad Orbit contact. Once the data comes from HubSpot those fields will not update in your site again. And any changes made in your site will NOT go back to HubSpot.
Go to the Contact Mapping field section to starting mapping your HubSpot fields to your system fields.
Make sure to either map a HubSpot field or set a default to any required contact. If you don't, the system WILL NOT be able to create the contact.
Make sure to map fields with the same data types. For example, if you want to map a last email date from HubSpot to your site, you should create a Date type dynamic attribute. But if you want to add an email name, you should use a text field.
You also need to make sure if you use a multi-select or single select data set, that both HubSpot and your site have matching entries. For example, if you plan to map a HubSpot contact's life cycle to lead status, make sure you set up the same field names in your site as they are in HubSpot. The system can't set the lead status to Marketing qualified lead if Marketing qualified lead isn't an option in your site.
For dynamic attribute(s) values, the system will import data if it isn't already set up as an option. For example, if you have a attribute for Priority A, B, C but in HubSpot has an option D and it is used, the system will input the data of D into the system so the user can view it. But the attribute won't be usable in search. You will need to update the field in the system to make sure it works.
Once you map your fields you will need to determine how you want the data to sync between both systems. Data will flow from HubSpot automatically. You will have to push data from Ad Orbit.
Bi-Directional: Data will both be pushed and pulled from Ad Orbit to HubSpot. Updates in HubSpot will prompt an update in your system. When you push an update to HubSpot from the contact page or the bulk page the data will change in HubSpot.
Tiebreaker: The Tiebreaker field is only applicable for Bi-Directionally syncing items, and when you have the sync option 'Auto-push Updates to HubSpot' enabled. If a Bi-Directionally synced field is updated in both Ad Orbit and HubSpot between syncs, the Tiebreaker will be used to solve the conflict. By default, this field is set to Ad Orbit, but can be changed to HubSpot if needed.
To Ad Orbit : Only changes in HubSpot will go over to your system. Once the data is in your site, your users can change the field but those changes will NOT go back over to HubSpot when you push an update.
To HubSpot Only: Only changes in your system will go over to HubSpot. Any changes in HubSpot to the field will NOT come back over.
You will only see these Sync Direction options when there is a value entered in the HubSpot Field Name column. Make sure to click Save when you are done mapping and setting your Sync Directions.