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Bulk Renew your Paid and Comp Subscriptions

Renew both paid and comp subscriptions in bulk from the subscription search. You can only bulk renew subscriptions when you filter by a single publication because you have to select a plan that matches the publication. After you bulk renew the selected subscriptions, the system will let you know how many subscriptions were renewed, how many were invoiced, and how many were paid.

  • To bulk renew any subscription, go the Subscription search and filter by a publication. Make sure to filter down to the subscription you need to renew because once a subscription is renewed, you can't undo the action.

  • Not all subscriptions can be renewed. Subscriptions without an end date are not eligible for renewal because they never end!

  • Use the check boxes on the left to select what subscription you want to renew.

  • Click on the Bulk actions and select Renew. You will see a list of active plans for the publication that you can use to renew your subscriptions. You may want to filter down to the pub and plan to make sure you are renewing your subscription correctly.

  • After the plan is selected, click ok. The system will renew all of the eligible subscriptions and show you the results.

  • Subscription with a $0 plan will be renewed without an invoice. It is recommended that you filter by Comp if you want to bulk renew all comp subscriptions.


    There is a View Paid subscription permission. Remove the Paid subscription permission from users to prevent them from bulk renewing any Paid subscriptions. The user will only be able to filter subscriptions with the type of Comp.

  • If a subscription is renewed with a paid plan, the system will automatically create an invoice. If the subscriber has a valid payment method on file, the system will pay the invoice in your system if your subscriptions are set to automatically ship. Otherwise, you will have to mark subscriptions as shipped or manually record/process each payment.

  • If your subscriber has an invalid payment method or you don't default your subscription to ship, the system will create the invoice but they will be left open and you must process or record the payment manually.

  • By default, if you renew a gifted subscription, it will not retain the gift information on the new subscription that gets created in the bulk renewal. If you check the 'Renew Gift as a Gift' checkbox in the popup, then any gifted subscriptions will retain the gift information on the new subscription.

Updated 2/8/2025