Adding Event Line Items to Orders
Now that you have your system set up and have reviewed the configuration. We will go through the process of adding an event product to an order. You must have created at least one event and added either a ticket or booth product.
Add an event to an order by going to the Product step and click Add Event.
You will get a pop-up for the Event. You must first choose the event and the type of product: Ticket or Booth.
If your product list is growing very large, you can use classifications to help filter the list.
Now you need to add the details for your service:
Name: Pulls from the event name. You can override it if you wish. The name will show on the contract.
Description: Pulls from the event description field if filled out. The description can display on the contract to the customer.
Quantity: The number of units you plan to deliver to the customer. The system will adjust the overall price based on quantity. There are quantity level discounts you can add to the system. And some services will break out the quantity into individual line items for the purpose of delivery. There is a limit to the QTY you can sell to an event.
Unit Price: Pulls from the event setup.
Optional fields:
Billing Group: Will help to organize services on your contract for the purpose of showing your billing schedule of services. For example, you may bill some items annually, manually, or upfront.
Grouping: Allows you to group items together on the order to show things with a single price. Can also help with invoicing.
After your order details are in place, you can move on to scheduling.
Event has three dates. The dates will fill in automatically based on the start date of the event.
Bill Date: The bill date determines in what month to attribute your sales numbers for goals. The bill date is also helpful when creating invoices for you services and filtering reports. You can display the bill date on contracts and invoices.
Due Date: The due date field is an internal date your team can use to keep on track. You can use the due date when filtering reports and display the due date on contracts and invoices.
Event Date: The event date is used to pick-up revenue. The event date is also helpful when creating invoices for your services and filtering reports. You can display the event date on contracts and invoices. You can make the event date required on a service-by-service basis.
How much you can discount and what discount you can add, all depend on your system configurations and your permissions. Please review our discounting documentation to understand all options.
All pricing fields do work together. For example, if you enter a percentage discount, it will change the discount amount and net price. Pick your preferred discounting method and enjoy!
Updated 10/18/2022