Require Payment Method on Orders with Specified Publications
You can mark a publication to require a payment method on order approval. If you sell an item into a publication with this requirement, the customer must add a payment method in order to approve the order. The system will not automatically charge the payment method.
Go to Settings > Products > Publication & Issue Setup. Edit a publication or create a new one, and check the box for ‘Require Payment Method’.
On orders that have line items for a publication with this requirement, the customer will be required to add a payment method in order to approve the order. They will see a Payment Info tab and will be unable to complete the process until a valid payment method is entered.
There is the option to override this requirement at the company level. When editing a company, on the Billing Info step, you will see a ‘Do not require payment method’ setting. By default, this setting is set to No, which means a payment method will be required if a publication is on the order that requires a payment method. If you change this setting to Yes, the company will disregard the publication level payment method requirement.
Unlike requiring pre-pay on specific line items, this setting simply requires the entering of a payment method. It does not create an invoice and process the payments immediately.
Added 10/18/2022