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Contact Approval and Rep Requests

Depending on what you want your workflow to look like, you can set up your system to require approval for new contacts, automatically import contacts for approval from sent emails, and can set up sales rep ownership requests. In this document, we will walk through how to set up and use these options.

Review New Contacts

If you want new contacts to be reviewed before they can be used in the system, you will need to set your system configuration Review New Contacts to yes. When this configuration is enabled, any user who does not have the 'Approve New Contacts’ user permission must have all of their contacts approved before they can start using them. Any user who does have the ‘Approve New Contacts’ permission can create contacts and they will get automatically approved so the contact will become active immediately.

  • When the configuration to ‘Review New Contacts’ is enabled, there will be Contact Approval page in the system. To get to this page, go to Contacts > Contact Approval.

    • If you do not have the ‘Approve New Contacts’ user permission, on the Contact Approval page you’ll see a tab labelled My Queued Contacts. The tab will show any contacts you have created that are awaiting approval. Each record will show the contact's name and email, as well as when you requested approval.

  • If you do have the ‘Approve New Contacts’ permission, the tab will be called Approve New Contacts. The table contains similar information as if you don’t have the permission, but it allows you to see approval requests from all users, and lets you take action on each contact. If you click on the contact's name, it will open the contact’s overview page in the system so you can see additional information. Then, if you use the ellipses icon in the table, you can approve or reject each approval request. If the request gets approved, the contact will become active.


Automatically Create Contacts From Imported Sent Emails

On the My Preferences page, if you have a connected user email, there's an option to 'Automatically Create Contacts From Imported Sent Emails'.

  • Only the Sent Emails folder is used for this workflow. If you do not have the Sent Emails folder checked under the 'Pull in emails from the folders selected as activities', no contacts will be pulled into the system using this workflow.

  • When an email is sent through a connected user email and this option is checked, if that email address doesn't already exist in Ad Orbit, the contact will be put into the Contact Approval queue for review. Some basic information will be displayed about each imported contact.

  • If the system configuration Review New Contacts is set to No, only the user who imported the contact can approve or reject the record. Users with imported contacts will be able to access the Contact Approval page, even with the Review New Contacts system configuration being off.

  • If Review New Contacts is set to Yes, then the ability to approve or reject the imported contacts will be based on the typical Review New Contacts workflow.

    • Users with the 'Approve New Contacts' permission can approve or reject any imported contact in the queue, regardless of which user's email it was imported from.

    • Users without the 'Approve New Contacts' permission will be able to access and view the queue for their imported contacts, but will only be able to reject the record if needed. Users with the 'Approve New Contacts' permission will need to approve the contact before it's created in Ad Orbit.

Contact Ownership Approval Queue

You can have users request ownership of contacts by setting the 'Contact Ownership Approval Queue Enabled’ system configuration to yes. When enabled, any user can request ownership of a contact. Any user who does not have the ‘Approve Contact Ownership Requests’ permission will be able to submit ownership requests which will be put in a queue for approval by a user with the permission. Any users with the ‘Approve Contact Ownership Requests’ user permission will also be able to request contact ownership, but the request will be automatically approved when the action is taken and they will become the contact owner.

  • When the configuration is enabled, you can request contact ownership from a few places within the site. One option is from the Contact Search page. When you run the search, any contacts you are not the owner of will have a ‘request ownership’ icon on their record. When this icon is clicked on, the request will be sent. The other place ownership requests can be sent is from the contact’s overview page. On the overview page, the Contact Information box will show the current contact owner, with the ‘request ownership’ icon next to the owner’s name. Click on this icon to submit the ownership request.

  • Similar to Reviewing New Contacts, when the Contact Ownership Approval Queue is enabled, there is a Contact Approval page within the system. To get to this page, go to Contacts > Contact Approval.

    • If you do not have the ‘Approve Contact Ownership Requests’ user permission, on the Contact Approval page you’ll see a tab labeled My Ownership Requests. The tab will show each contact’s name that you have requested ownership of, as well as the requested date and the status of the request.

      • By default, the only requests that will show up are those in a pending status. However, you can use the dropdown menu above the table to view your approved, declined, or all requests instead.

  • If you do have the ‘Approve Contact Ownership Requests’ permission, the tab will be called Approve Contact Reps. The table will show similar information as if you don’t have the permission, but also allows you to see requests from all users, and lets you take action on each request. By using the ellipses icon in the table, you can approve or reject each ownership request. If the request gets approved, the requesting rep will become the new contact owner. If the request gets rejected, the current owner will stay on the contact.

    • By default, the only requests that will show up are those in a pending status. However, you can use the dropdown menu above the table to view your approved, declined, or all requests instead.



      If you do not have either the ‘Review New Contacts’ or ‘Contact Ownership Approval Queue Enabled’ system configurations turned on, then the Contact Approval page will not be visible in your system. On the other hand, if you have both of the configurations enabled, the Contact Approval page will have two tabs instead of one, one for the new contact approval, and one for rep ownership requests.

Updated 1/10/2025