Company Financial Overview Report
The Company Financial Overview Report provides a summary of key company financial information, such as current amount due, and unbilled revenue. You can also quickly link to different reports to dive into the details for each company.
To access the report, you need the User Permission 'Company Financial Overview'.
To navigate to the report, you can either search for the report name in the global search bar, or go to Reports > All Reports and find the report under the Finance section.
The 'As of Date' field will default to the current date, but can be changed as needed. If changed, the results will calculate the data based on that date. For instance, if the current date is 1/15, and you set the 'As of Date' to 1/1, all of the results will be based on where the company stood on 1/1.
The Company, Company Type, Publisher, and Market fields are all optional search fields, which can be used to narrow down your results if desired. If left blank, the report will include all results (all companies, all publishers, etc.).
You can also choose to generate a PDF document of the results.
Click on Get Report to view your results. Or, you can run the report as a batch report, which will be emailed to you when it is done processing in the background.
Each company in the results shows data about their financials, including their current due, cash and credit balances, as well as deferred and unbilled revenue and installments.
The Deferred Revenue and Unbilled Revenue columns capture the respective revenue for all items that are not captured on an installment schedule.
The Installment Deferred and Installment Unbilled columns capture the respective revenue for all items that are captured on an installment schedule.
Each record will also have various actions that can be taken, depending on that company's financial data. You may see items such as opening the Aging or General Ledger Reports, or viewing Unbilled or Installment Revenue.
New 1/6/2025