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Managing Customer Access and Sending them Credentials

You can change what your customer can access in the client center by updating his or her permissions. Your customer must first have access to the client center.

  • Check to confirm your customer has access to the client center. If client center access displays NO, you need to edit your contact and give him or her access.

  • Go to the client center area on the contacts tab to change a contact’s client center permissions. Choose what areas of the client center a contact can see.

  • If you give the contact access to the Admin area, he or she can update their permissions and the permissions of other contacts in their company.

You can send your customers an email to reset their password.

  • Go to the contact details page and click on Reset Password in the client center section.  The customer will receive an email with a link to the client center where they can reset their password. 

  • If you want your contacts to reset their passwords in bulk and attach documentation, you should use the ‘reset password’ mail merge template.  Create a contact list and bulk a mail merge.  Choose the reset password email.  You can upload a document to the email. You can modify the content of both emails under Settings > Templates > Email Templates.  You will find both emails in the client center.

Updated 6/12/2024