You can have users request ownership of contacts and give permission to users to view the Queue for approval. Only enable this feature if you want to approve contact ownership approval.
If you do enable this feature, make sure to give at least one user's ability to approve contact ownership requests. Users can approve contact ownership requests on the Contacts > Contact Approval Page.
Contacts a First Name. You can choose to default the first name field so a user doesn't always have to enter a name if they don't have one. For example, if a user needs to create a company but doesn't know the primary contact's name, you can enter 'John/Jane'. Having a default name may make your data cleaner because all users will use the same fake name instead of creating their own.
All contacts require a last name. You can choose to default the last name field with data so a user doesn't always have to enter a name when they don't have one. For example, if a user needs to create a company but doesn't know the primary contact's last name, you can enter a default name. Having a default name may make your data cleaner by making sure all users use the same 'fake' name.
All contacts require an email. You can choose to default the email field with data so a user doesn't always have to enter an email when they don't have one. For example, if a user needs to create a company but doesn't know the primary contact's email, you can enter a default email. Having a default name may make your data cleaner by making sure all users use the same 'fake' email.
The system will not consider the default email field if you use the unique contact setting. So you can continue creating multiple contacts with the same default email even if you require a unique email for all contacts.
Your contacts may require a phone number. You can choose to default the phone number field so a user doesn't always have to enter a fake phone number if they don't have one. For example, if a user needs to create a company but doesn't know the primary contact's phone, you can enter '867-5309'. Having a default phone number may make your data cleaner because all users will use the same fake number instead of creating their own.
You can require a lead source for any new contact in the system. You can configure your lead statuses under Settings > Contact > Source Types.
When you assign a call list to a user, the list will cycle through people to call. When a user makes a call and mark it as left a message, it keeps the person on the call list so a user can make a call back. The person will come back up on the list based on the number of days you enter into this configuration.
For example, if I call John Doe Monday and I want to reach back out on Wednesday, I should set this configuration to 2 days.
The system requires a user to have a password that must be at least 8 characters, contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character (e.g. #, !, &); the password also can't contain any form of password or be a previous password. To help with security, you can require all of your customers and vendors to have the same password requirements. When this configuration is enabled users of your portal will get warning with the same restrictions as your users.
Any customer or vendor who created a password before this configuration was enabled can continue to use their current password. However, if they need reset their password, he or she will need to follow the new requirement.
Set this configuration to 'Yes' if you want the system to prevent users from adding a contact if the email is already in the system. The user will get a warning that the email already exists and they won't be able to continue until they update the email.
The default email can be used multiple times even if you have this set to yes. Users can continue to add as many contacts as they wish if they all use the default email. The unique check is only made when the email is different than the default.
This configuration should be used if your organization uses the configuration Require Unique Email Addresses on Contacts and would like certain users to be able to override that requirement.
The new configuration will prompt a pop-up if a user enters an email address that already exists in the system. The pop-up will show a list of contacts with the same email address, and depending on their permissions, they will either be able to ignore the pop-up and create the new contact anyway, or they can view, edit, or request access to any of the other contacts listed. Users can also click on View All Contacts with This Email, which will bring them to the Contact Search page with the email field filled out.
When the configuration is enabled, you can give the Create Contact with Duplicate Emails permission to a user so he or she can create the contact without going through approval.
If you want contacts reviewed before they are useable in the system, set this configuration to yes. Make sure at least one user has the ability to approve contacts. You may want to use this configuration if users enter a lot of duplicate contacts.
Any user who doesn't have permission to approve contacts, must have all of their contacts approved before they can start using them in the system. Any users will the approval permission can enter contacts and they will automatically get approved.