Cardholder Account Reacquisition Report
The Cardholder Account Reacquisition Report displays all payment methods within your Ad Orbit site, and allows you to perform various actions. If there are payment methods with problems, you can easily generate emails in bulk from this report to ask your customers for updated payment information. This report can be particularly helpful if you have recently changed your payment gateway.
To access the report, you need the User Permission 'Cardholder Account Reacquisition'.
To navigate to the report, you can either search for the report name in the global search bar, or go to Reports > All Reports and find the report under the Finance section.
The Company search field on the report allows you to find all of the payment methods associated with a specific company. Begin typing in this field to see results.
Similar to the Company search field, the Contact field allows you to find all of the payment methods associated with a specific contact.
The default for the Method search field is 'All', meaning all payment method types will be displayed in the results. If you want to just view ACH, or Credit Cards, you can select one of those options in this field.
By default, all payment methods will be shown in the results, including methods that are valid. If you wish to only see results for payment methods that have a problem such as they are expired, or there is a payment provider mismatch, check the 'Has Issue' option.
By default, only active payment methods will be shown. If you wish to also include any deactivated payment methods, check the 'Show Disabled' box.
Click on Search to view your results.
Any payment method in your results that has a problem will be highlighted in red, with the reason there is an issue in parenthesis after the card or ACH details.
To send an individual email to a contact asking them to re-enter their payment method information, you can click on the reacquire action on the right side of the table.
Once sent, you'll see a popup confirmation.
If you wish to send the reacquisition emails in bulk, use the checkboxes on the left side of the table to select each item you want to send an email for, and click the Reacquire Selected button at the top of the table.
If there are multiple methods for the same company or contact, they will be included in the same email rather than broken out into individual emails for each method.
The reacquisition email will look like the image below by default. As with most of our emails, the template can be customized for your needs by going to Settings > Templates > System Emails. In the email, your contacts can click on the Update link to re-enter their payment information.
If searching for payment methods using the 'Has Issue' checkbox, you'll see an additional option to Deactivate Problematic Payment Methods. This allows you to deactivate the payment methods with issues in bulk.
You'll receive a confirmation popup to confirm the change.
New 10/17/2024