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Create a New Event

You can create an event in your system to track tickets sales, booths, attendees, and sponsorship sales. Your event must have a date, venue, and ticket template. You must have the events module to create an event. Contact your representative if you are interested in learning more about Events.

  • You must have a least one ticket template created before you can create an event. Once you have a ticket template go to Events > Create Event.

  • All events must have a name, start date and time, end date and time, and venue.

  • If you choose to set the Finance Info, Finance Classification, or Publication fields on the event level, these will be automatically added into the corresponding fields on each new event product you create. These can always be overridden on the individual product level.


    After you have set up products for your event, if you wish to change the finance information on an event level, you can edit these fields and choose whether or not to apply the changes to your existing event products.

  • Underneath the Attendee Information section, you can add your Event Dynamic Attributes to this specific event, and choose whether to require all attendee information or not.

    • Only dynamic attributes that you add to the event will show up on your event forms, and they will follow the settings on the dynamic attribute itself, such as if it is client facing, or required.

    • By default, attendee information is not required.

      • When attendee information is optional, your customers do not have to enter attendee information when submitting orders for event tickets. If they begin entering attendee info, the other fields will become required. For instance, if a contact enters a First Name for an attendee, then that attendee's Last Name and Email fields will also become required.

      • If you choose to make attendee information required, then when submitting an order for event tickets, your customers will be required to fill out all fields for all attendees before they can submit the order.

  • If you have the Map Your Show integration enabled, you will also see a few Map Your Show specific fields. These fields aren’t required, but you will need them if you want to connect your event with a Map Your Show event. The Map Your Show Code is pulled from the URL on the event within Map Your Show. If you enter a show code, you should also select defaults for your contract and special invoice templates. These will be used when pulling in orders and line items into the system from Map Your Show.

  • Once your event has been created, you will need to add products that can be sold for the event, such as tickets or admission to the event, or products for your exhibitors like event booths. Navigate to the Products tab on the Event Details page. Here, you will be able to add two types of event products: ticket types and booth products.

    Create Event Products

  • You can now start to sell tickets or booth products to your event.


    You can only sell products to future events, you will not be allowed to sell products for an event whose event date has passed.

  • Once you’ve started selling products, on the event’s overview page, the Sold column for each product will serve as a quick link which will redirect you to the Consolidated Sales Report, with certain search fields automatically filled in. This allows you to quickly view your sales for that product type.

To sell an event product on your storefront, there is some additional setup required. First, you may want to review your Store Categories, by navigating to Settings > Ecommerce > Store Categories. Store Categories help to organize and group your products on the storefront. Depending on how many events you plan to host, you may need only a generic 'Events' category, or you may wish to create sub-categories for each event, under the parent category of 'Events'.

  • Once you have reviewed your Store Categories, you will need to add a new store product. Navigate to Settings > Products > Store Products and click Add Product.

    • Choose the 'Event' Product Type, and select your event from the drop-down. You can then select the type of product you would like to sell, whether it is a ticket type or booth product.

    • On the following pages, you may need to enter additional information about your product, such as adding an image or additional description that will display on your ecommerce site. However, unlike other store products, products tied to an event will automatically populate with product options and variants based on the products you created for your event.

      • For example, if you have three ticket type products created for your event, all three of those ticket types will display under the Options tab of the Store Product edit page.

  • In order for your new product to show up on your storefront, make sure to save your product, then publish it by clicking on the ellipsis and selecting Publish.

Updated 8/8/2024