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Allow Line Item Invoice Amounts
  • Users can now set Line Item Invoice Amounts on their orders. These amounts are purely for display purposes. For instance, a sales rep may wish to display two $1,000 line items from their order as $1,500 and $500 on the invoice, rather than $1,000 each. But for billing and AR purposes, the line items need to still be recognized as $1,000 each. This is where Line Item Invoice Amounts come in.

  • To enable this feature, you need to turn on the new system configuration ‘Allow Line Item Invoice Amounts’, and users will need the permission ‘Add/Update Line Item Invoice Amounts’ in order to use the feature.

  • When the configuration is enabled, users with permission will be able to set line item invoice amounts on the Billing & Notes step of creating an order.

  • With these settings in place, on the Billing step of creating an order, you’ll see a new ‘Custom Invoice Amounts’ table where users can set the invoice amount of each line item. The totals of the invoice amounts must equal the actual order total.

  • If invoice amounts are used, you will be required to use installment billing on the order.

Enable Digital Ad Sales
  • Turning this setting to Yes will give your users the ability to create and sell digital advertisements in the system. When the setting is set to No, you will not be able to sell digital advertisements in your instance.


    Digital advertisements will be deprecated at a future date. We recommend using our digital media products rather than the more traditional digital advertisements.

Show line item attributes on Order Tab

Choose whether or not to allow line item dynamic attributes to display on company Orders tabs. When enabled, individual users will be able to pick and choose which of these line item attributes they want to see on their Orders tabs through the My Preferences page.

Show order attributes on Order Tab

Choose whether or not to allow order dynamic attributes to display on company Orders tabs. When enabled, individual users will be able to pick and choose which of order attributes they want to see on their Orders tabs through the My Preferences page.

Trigger event for itemized service products

By default, this configuration is set to the ‘Create itemized line items on creation’ option. This means when an itemized service item is initially added to an order, it will be broken up into its itemized components (a quantity of 3 will generate 3 individual line items). If you change the configuration to the ‘Create itemized line items on Finance Approval’, the system won’t break out the original line item into its individual line items until the order has been fully approved.

Enable Service Delivery Solutions
  • Turn on the ability to set up service products as ‘delivery solution’ items. When enabled these products can have material reminders sent and use a different ticket page format than other services.

Revert Expired Contracts to Incomplete Status
  • By default, contracts with price expiration triggers will be set back to a 10% complete order and require new Publisher approval before it can be sent to the client. If, however, you would like expired contracts to be changed to an ‘expired’ status and be marked as incomplete, change this configuration to ‘Yes’. When set to ‘Yes’, the order will need to be edited and reviewed prior to Publisher approval.

Sales Goal Model
  • Choose how to manage your sales goals, using either the default Category Model or the Publication model. The Category Model allows you to enter sales goals based on various categories in the system including Print Issue Ads, Digital Issue Ads, service categories, digital media categories, and event categories. The Publication Model bases goals solely on the publications in your system, meaning all your digital media goals, for instance, are rolled up into your digital media publications.

Require publication to be specified on all service items
  • By default, this configuration is set to No, meaning when adding service line items to your orders, Category will be a required field and Publication will typically be an optional field (there may be exceptions for specific products). Your product list will be filtered based on the Category selected. If this configuration is set to Yes, when adding service line items to your orders, Publication will be the required field, Category will be optional, and your product list will be filtered based on the Publication selected, rather than the Category.

  • In addition, Service Rate Cards can be used when this configuration is set to Yes. If set to no, Service Rate Cards will not be available.

Group non-print item forecasts by Publication
  • Specifically for the Forecast Summary Report when grouped by product, this configuration changes how service and digital media items are shown in the report results. When set to Yes, which is the default, any service or digital media items will be grouped under their associated Publication if one is set on the line item or forecast. If there is no Publication specified, then the item will be shown under the Product Category tied to the line item. On the other hand, if this configuration is set to No, the Publication will always be ignored on service and digital media items on the report, and they will always be grouped under their Product Category, even if a Publication is specified on the line item or forecast.

Include service costs data on Forecast Summary Report
  • When enabled, an additional ‘Revenue Cost’ field will be displayed in each table on the Forecast Summary Report. This field totals the costs for all forecasts, pending orders, and sold items that are tied to a service with cost data. The Total field will reflect the total of the items, minus the Revenue Costs.

Require Publication and Product on Digital Media Forecasts
  • When turned on, users will be required to set a publication and product on every digital media forecast item. When turned off, these fields will be optional on digital media forecasts.

Require Service Rate Card
  • Only applicable if your configuration Require publication be specified on all service items is turned on, this configuration determines if you want to require a rate card to be set on every service line item. When set to no, rate card is an optional field on service line items.

Print Ad Past Issue Threshold

Determine how many months into the past users with the ‘Create Orders for Past Issues’ permission can add print issue sales.

Digital Ad Past Issue Threshold

Determine how many months into the past users with the ‘Create Orders for Past Issues’ permission can add digital issue sales.

Require Company Category on all Sales

By default, for companies who have more than one Company Category, you are required to select the Category when creating line items. If you change this configuration to No, then Category will be an optional field when creating line items. An exception is if you have MagBuilder enabled. In this scenario, Category will be required for Print Ad line items even if this configuration is set to No.

Secondary Order Signatory

When turned on, this configuration supports the ability to require two contact signatures in order to client approve an order. If turned on, the Contact Info step of creating an order will have an optional Secondary Signatory field. When a contact is set in this field, the primary contact and the Secondary Signatory will both be required to sign the order for it to become client approved.

Updated 2/10/2025