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Optional Payment Method on Order Approval
  • When this configuration is enabled, clients can enter payment information when it is not required. Payment information is always required whether this configuration is enabled or not in certain situations, such as if the company requires payment upon order approval. In all other scenarios, when this configuration is enabled, a client has the choice of whether to enter payment information or not when approving the order. This can also be seen when client approving an order from within the system. The payment method is saved on the order and any invoices created for it to be processed later.

Apply Order Pre-pay Discount by Invoice Issue Dates
  • By default, the Order Pre-pay Discounts are applied based on the order as a whole. For example, if you have an order with three print ads, one running in March, one in April, and one in May, and your Criteria for Order Pre-pay Discount configuration is set to ‘First Material Due Date’, then any invoices created for that order will have a pre-pay discount that expires with the March issue, even if the March item is not on that particular invoice. Set the configuration to ‘Yes’ if you would like to change this default behavior, and instead apply order pre-pay discounts based on only the items included on an invoice, rather than the order as a whole. Using the same example scenario, if you created a master invoice for your order that included your April and May ads, and not your March ad, the pre-pay date for that invoice would be based on the April issue, not the March issue, even though the March issue was technically the first material due date on your order.

Enable Automated Collection Removal
  • Set this configuration to ‘Yes’ if you wish to automatically remove any companies from collections who have paid off all their overdue invoices that were past the AR threshold. If set to ‘No’, companies will need to be manually removed from collections.

Auto-pay credit card processing language to display in Client Center
  • The text in this field is the message contacts will see in the Client Center if they set a card to auto-pay and can be edited if needed.

Credit Card Default Funding Source

This configuration allows you to choose the default card type, with options including Credit, Debit, and Prepaid. When adding or editing a card within Ad Orbit, you can override this default setting if needed and select a specific card type. Unless otherwise specified, all cards added within Ad Orbit will use the default setting.

Updated 12/09/2024