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HubSpot Lockbox

Only applicable if you have the ‘Use Lockbox’ setting turned on in the HubSpot Setup page, this permission grants a user access to the HubSpot Lockbox where contacts being brought in from HubSpot will be held until they can be approved. Users with access can approve or reject lockboxed contacts or assign them to existing contacts and companies.

Aysling Payments

Gives a user access to the Aysling Payments setup page, where they can enter their store ID.

Xero Export

If a Xero Integration is established, this will allow a user to generate exports and push them to Xero.

  • Commission Tiers

    Gives a user access to the Settings > Users > Commission Tiers page, where tiers and tier groups can be configured for graduated commission attainment.


Grants a user access to the Offers setup page, where sales offers can be created and managed.

Marketing Lists
  • Gives a user access to the Settings > Marketing > Marketing List page, where Marketing List subscription types can be configured.

Product Item Class

Grants users access to the Settings > Products > Item Product Class page, where optional ad size and product classifications can be configured.

  • Media Types

    Grants a user access to the Settings > Products > Media Types page, where you can set up custom product categorizations for adding line items to orders.

Asset Upload Form Template

Grants a user access to the Asset Upload Form Template page, where you can set up and manage different asset upload forms for digital media products.

Apply Default Search Filters For All Users

On reports that allow you to customize which search filters display, this permission gives you the ability to apply your changes for all users in your system who have not already customized their reports. Without this permission, any changes you make to the search filter display will just apply to your own report.

Allow Astro Autodraft Action
  • Only applicable when the Astro integration is enabled, this permission allows users to add contacts to Autodrafts as an action within Automation Workflows. This permission lets users choose from their own Autodrafts.

View All Users Astro Autodrafts in Automations
  • Only applicable when the Astro integration is enabled, this permission allows users to view all Autodrafts in the system (those created by any user, not just their own), in the Add Contacts to Autodrafts automation action.

View Email Blacklist
  • Grants users view-only access to the Email Blacklist page, where you can see which email addresses have been blacklisted from being imported as activities, and which users or contacts those email addresses are associated with. You need the sub-permission Edit Email Blacklist to make any changes to this page.

Edit Email Blacklist
  • Gives users the ability to edit the information on the Email Blacklist page, including adding new email addresses to be blacklisted, or removing the blacklisting on an email.

  • Gives a user access to the Xero Settings page, where Xero accounts can be connected and configured.

View All Connected Email Accounts
  • Gives a user access to the Connected Email Accounts page, where the connection status and information about linked emails can be viewed.

Updated 2/10/2025