The Historical Ad Comparison report gives you a flexible way to compare ad sales from various date ranges. You can filter the report by selecting a publication and starting date range.
Use the search fields to select either a specific publication or all publications, as well as comparison dates. You can choose to only search by Report Year, or you could enter values for all three comparison dates. The date ranges are flexible, allowing you to compare sales for entire years, sales from month to month, or comparing the same month from one year ago, for example.
The results will be broken down into multiple tables, the first being the main date range searched. This table is what any of the other tables will be compared to. You can have up to three more tables displaying, depending on how many comparison dates you enter.
All of the tables will list the publications searched for, as well as sales data for that date range, including the quantity of ads sold, the total pages, average page size, total billing, and average billing.
Each of the comparison tables will also have fields for % Chg Space, and % Chg Billing. These percentages are determined by comparing the main date range’s total pages to the comparison date’s total pages, and the main date range’s total billing to the comparison date’s total billing, respectively.