Create your Departments and Positions
The system allows you to set up your department and positions if needed. The good thing is we do have a nice set of departments already set up for you to use. Once you have your needed departments and positions you assign them to your users. You can use department and positions as filters for resources allocations and for sending out announcements to groups of users.
To Add a department or to see the department list go to the Settings > Organization > Departments. If you want to add a new department click on the plus sign button for Add Department found near the top right side.
The Add a Department window pops up where you can add the department name. Departments are useful to help you find the correct resources on projects and to send announcements to.
Once you click Save you should see you new department added the list.
To add a position go to the Settings > Users > Positions. Click on the plus sign button for Add Position which is found near the top right side. The Add a Position window pops up where you now can add your position with a name and a short description on the position. You can also assign a number of daily work hours. The system base the users availability based on their daily works hours.
Hourly Rate
Setting an hourly rate on a user position will be used for T&M task billing on projects. When a user with a position with an hourly rate is added to a project task, each hour they record for that task will be billed at the position’s hourly rate. Every user with the user position will utilize the position’s hourly rate.
This will override the hourly rate set on a task level. If there is no hourly rate for a user’s position, then the task will be billed at the task’s defined T&M rate.
You can override a user's daily hours by going to the edit user page.
Once you click Save you should now see your new position listed.
Assign the position and department on the user's add/edit page page.
Now you can filter by these fields to find resources and send group announcements.