Working with your Project Tasks
The tasks table is a great overview of your project’s tasks and is highly interactive. There are many actions you can take from list of tasks, as well as ways to organize the information.
You can filter the tasks that you see by clicking on the drop-down list in the top left corner of the page. You can choose from All Project Tasks, My Tasks, as well as any Milestones for your project. Filtering by My Tasks will only display tasks that you are assigned as a participant. This can help you get rid of any extra noise. Filtering by any of your project Milestones will only display the tasks associated with that specific milestone.
Depending on the start and end dates of your tasks, as well as your task completion percentages, you will see various groups of tasks in the table, including Overdue, In Progress, To Do, and Done. Click on the arrows next to the group name to show or hide the tasks that fall into that group.
Overdue: Tasks will be considered overdue if it is past their start date, and the completion is still at 0%.
In Progress: Tasks are in progress if they are somewhere in between 0% and 100% completed.
To-Do: Tasks fall under this group if their start date is in the future.
Done: Any tasks that are at 100% completion fall under this group.
Click on any of the table headers to sort your tasks by that field. Sorting by the table headers won’t change or re-order the task groups, but they will sort the tasks within each group.
If a task has a Start-Start Predecessor, that will be indicated under the Dependency column with an arrow pointing down. If a task has an End-Start Predecessor, that will be indicated under the Dependency column with an arrow pointing down and to the right.
You can update any task status, or complete percentage from the table by clicking on the status or percent and selecting a new value.
From the ellipsis menu located to the right of each main task, you will find the actions to Edit the Task, Add/Edit a Note, and Delete the Task.
The task table is a great way to see a snapshot of all your project tasks, as well as performing actions and getting organized. The information it displays, however, is limited. By clicking on any task, you will still see the list of tasks on the left side of the page, but the right side of the page will display a detailed view of the task information. Here, you can jump to a milestone attached to the task, add comments, upload and delete files, and edit the tasks.
The system will only display the most recent Notes and Descriptions, past Notes and Descriptions are not saved.
In one way or another, the detail view displays all of the information from the Add/Edit Task pop-up. At the top, you will see the task status and percent complete, as well as any priority set on the task. Each task will also show all of the task participants, including users, contacts, and vendor contacts. The start and end date, as well as the hours and task description are also displayed. If there is a milestone or any dependencies associated, that will show up as well in the form of a link that will bring you to that milestone or dependency.
The Additional Info is hidden by default, but you can click on the arrow to see the data. Additional Info shows the associated company, the expense account, and whether or not the task is to be used for utilization calculations.
Files hidden by default, but you can click on the arrow to see if there are any files tied to the task. When 'Files' is expanded, you can upload a new file to the task, as well as view and delete existing files. Click Upload File to add a new file, and click on the file name to view it. Select the trash can icon to the right of the file to remove it from the task.
All of the actions that you can perform from the table are also available from the detailed view.
You can also create a discussion on the task by clicking on the View Task Discussion icon in the upper right corner of the page. The comments will be listed in the discussion pane along with who posted the comment, and at what date and time. When you add a new comment, you can choose to email it to any of the participants assigned to the task. The email notification will only be sent to whomever you select, but every participant of the project will be able to see the discussion if they log in and view the task discussion.
Updated 12/18/2024