HubSpot Deal-to-Project
By taking advantage of our HubSpot integration, not only can you sync companies and contacts between the two systems, you can also create projects in Ad Orbit based on your deals in HubSpot.
First, you need a deal in HubSpot. Either create a new deal or view an existing one. On the deal’s page in HubSpot, scroll down to the bottom of the page’s right panel. Here, you will see a ‘Deal to Project’ section. Click ‘Create Ad Orbit Project’.
In the Create Project popup, there are a few required fields. Enter a project name, company, start date, manager, project type, and any of your project required dynamic attributes. These fields are consistent with what you would be required to enter when creating a project within Ad Orbit. You also have the option of entering a description and selecting a project template.
If you select a project template to use, when the project is created in Ad Orbit, it will automatically have milestones and tasks created based on your template.
Click Create, and you should see a confirmation message that the project was created successfully. Once the project has been created, instead of a ‘Create Ad Orbit Project’ button in the Deal to Project section, there will be a link to view the project in Ad Orbit.
Added 10/25/2022