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Selling Tickets to an Event

You can sell ticket to an event through your store front and directly in your system. To sell tickets, you need to have a payment process enabled and a live event.

  • You must have events, payment processing, and a ticket template enabled to sell a tickets. Start by creating a new event. You also need to create at least one ticket type.

  • Go to Attendee tab and click on Add Attendee. Select the event, ticket type, and amount of ticket. You can either select from an available contact in your system or create a new record by entering the first name, last name, email address, and phone.

  • Click on Save. Go to checkout to enter a credit card and process the payment.

  • After you process the ticket payment, you can add the additional attendees to the order by clicking on the arrow next to the attendee name and clicking on the Add Attendee Name icon.

  • Your customers can also buy tickets if you leverage the store front. One you make your event live, a customer can go to your store front and add tickets to their shopping cart.