Analytics Tables
Analytics Ticket Attributes
The Analytics Ticket Attributes table displays any ticket dynamic attributes you have configured. While this is one of the simpler tables in Metabase, it can be helpful to see all of your ticket dynamic attributes in one location, broken down by ticket ID. This data can be especially useful when it is joined with the Tickets Fact table.
Breakdown of Data
Ticket ID – Every ticket in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to a ticket or join a table to get more information about a ticket. IDs are much better ways to join than on name.
Dynamic Attributes – Dynamic attributes are a really flexible way to add more information about an item into the system. In this case, they are specific to a ticket. A ticket’s dynamic attribute can be anything from the colors that a customer wants to use in their ad to a preferred font.
Analytics Payments
The Analytics Payments table can be extremely helpful to summarize and filter information for your payments. In its default setting, the table actually breaks up each payment by line item. This allows you to see specific information about the component parts of that payment, such as ad size, sales rep, or service name. You can always choose to sort or filter this information to get a personalized report. For instance, you could group by company or filter by invoice due dates that have passed. There is also a URL link in the table, which can take you to the corresponding company’s payments page in the system.
Breakdown of Data
Brand Name
Company Name
Publication Name
Ad Size
Service Name
Barter Payments - The amount paid that is in a form of payment other than actual cash, such as a gift card.
Invoice Date – This is often the date that the invoice was created, but may be different depending on the specific invoice. For example, the invoice date that is part of an installment may be a month or two away.
Invoice Due Date - Shows when the invoice is due.
Invoice ID - Every invoice in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to an invoice or join a table to get more information about an invoice. Using IDs is a better way to join than by name.
Line Item Key - Every line item in the system gets a unique identification number, which is created when you add an order. The line item key is a good way to join two tables together or if you want to import data to a line item.
Payment Date – The date the payment was recorded in the system.
Payments – The amount of the recorded payment on the specific line item.
Payments URL - The URL link will take you to the chosen Company’s Payments tab.
PO Number – Every purchase order that is created in the system has a unique identification number. We recommend using the PO number if you want to import data or join a table to get more information about a purchase order.
Sales Rep - The rep for the line item.
Tender – The form that the payment was made in, such as cash, check, etc.
Analytics Campaigns
Campaigns are used in the system to help track contacts and activities associated with contacts. The Analytics Campaigns table shows detailed information about these campaigns. By combining information from your contact lists and your call lists, you can get a complete picture about each campaign. The table contains information such as contact name and associated campaign, the first call date, the callback date, and data about call attempts, opened emails, and whether or not the contact opted out of the campaign. You can interact with this table and tailor it to see exactly what you need for your reporting. For example, you could filter by campaign if you only want to see a specific one, or you could summarize your data to see statistics about attempts per contact.
Breakdown of the Data
Campaign Name - Name of the Sales Campaign associate with the activites.
Company Name
Contact Name
Contact Email Active
Attempts – How many times you have tried to call this contact.
Bounced - Let you know if the contact's email bounced based on Mandrill.
Callback Date – Based on how you have the campaign configured, this field populates with the date you should call the contact again.
Called – The called field displays how many times you have called the contact.
Company ID – Every company in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to a company or join a table to get more information about a company. Using IDs is a better way to join than by name.
Completed – In the system, you can mark a contact as ‘completed’ in your campaign. This column reflects whether or not you have marked the contact as completed.
Contact ID – Every contact in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to a contact or join a table to get more information about a contact. Using IDs is a better way to join than by name.
First Call Date – This field shows the first time you called the contact. You can easily change how the results are displayed. For example, you could choose to only include results from the past 15 days.
Last Call Date – The last call date displays the most recent time you called the contact. Similar to the first call date field, you can change the results. If you wanted to only see contacts who you had called in the last week, for instance, you could set up that filter.
Opens – Shows how many of your emails the contact has opened.
Opted Out – Shows if your contact has requested to be removed from the campaign.
Workflow Name – If there is an automation workflow associated with your campaign, then it will display here.
Analytics Contact Attributes
The Analytics Contact Attributes table displays any contact dynamic attributes you have configured. While this is one of the simpler tables in Metabase, it can be helpful to see all of your contact dynamic attributes in one location, broken down by contact ID. This data can be especially useful when it is joined with another table.
Breakdown of the Data
Contact ID – Every contact in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to a contact or join a table to get more information about a contact. IDs are much better ways to join than on name.
Dynamic Attributes – Dynamic attributes are a really flexible way to add information about an item into the system. In this case, they are specific to a contact. A contact’s dynamic attribute can be anything from a favorite food to their birthday.
Analytics Invoices
The Analytics Invoices table can be extremely helpful to summarize and filter information for your invoices. In its default setting, the table actually breaks up each invoice by line item. This allows you to see specific information about the component parts of that invoice, such as ad size, service name, or issue ID. You can always choose to sort or filter this information to group the data by specific invoices, or only see information about specific invoices if that is what you need. There is also a URL link in the table, which can take you to the corresponding company’s invoices page in the system.
Breakdown of Data
Organization or Publisher
Pub Name
Issue Name
Company Name
Is External Invoice - Let you know if the item is set to externally invoiced, which means there is not invoice in your system to collect against.
Service Name
Brand Name
Ad Size
Sales Rep
Line Item Key – Every line item in the system gets a unique identification number, which is created when you add an order. You will either see single line item keys or duplicates depending on how the order was invoiced. For example, you may see duplicates if you created an installment invoice or if you split an invoice.
Pub ID – Every publisher in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data or join a table to get more information about a publisher. Using IDs is a better way to join than by name.
Invoices URL – The URL link will take you to the selected Company’s Invoices tab.
Invoice Date – This is often the date that the invoice was created, but may be different depending on the specific invoice. For example, the invoice date that is part of an installment may be a month or two away.
Cash Billed – The cash billed displays the total value of that invoice, not the specific line item amount.
Service ID – Every service in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to a service or join a table to get more information about a service. Using IDs is a better way to join than by name.
Issue ID – Every issue in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to an issue or join a table to get more information about an issue. Using IDs is a better way to join than by name.
Invoice Due Date – Shows when the invoice is due.
Cash Due – The amount that is left unpaid for the total invoice, not the specific line item amount.
Barter Agreed – The amount agreed upon for the invoice that is a form of payment other than actual cash, such as a gift card. This is referring to the total amount of the invoice, not the specific line item.
Invoice ID – Every invoice in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to an invoice or join a table to get more information about an invoice. Using IDs is a better way to join than by name.
Ad Size ID – Every ad size in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to an ad size or join a table to get more information about an ad size. Using IDs is a better way to join than by name.
Barter Due – What is left unpaid on an agreed barter amount for the invoice, not the specific line item.
Below are reports created in Metabase just using the Analytics Table
Analytics Item Payments
The Analytics Item Payments table captures all payments that have been made based on a specific line item. In the system you have the ability to split up a single item between invoices and payments by creating installments or split invoices. This table brings information from all of the invoices and payments of that specific item into one location. Now, you can see any adjustments made to the amount, any barter values, how much is still due, and how much has been paid for a line item that may have been broken up into multiple invoices.
Breakdown of Data
Line Item Key – Every line item in the system gets a unique identification number, which is created when you add an order.
Cash Due – Amount unpaid on the line item.
Barter Payments – The amount paid that is in a form of payment other than actual cash, such as a gift card.
Cash Payments – All payments recorded for the line item.
Adjustments – Any changes that were made to the line item cost are reflected here, such as changing the ad size or adding a discount.
Net – The total value of the line item after fees and discounts have been accounted for.
Barter Due – What is left unpaid on an agreed barter amount.
Barter – The value agreed upon for the line item that is a form of payment other than actual cash, such as a gift card or a trade.
Analytics Last Activity
The Analytics Last Activity table is convenient for allowing you to see how recently activities have been performed on a certain company. This can help you ensure none of your companies are being neglected. You will see the company name and the date of either the last activity completed or scheduled.
Breakdown of the Data
Company Name
Company ID – Every company in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to a company or join a table to get more information about a company, like invoice date. IDs are much better ways to join than on name.
Latest Start Date - The last activity complete or the next scheduled activity. For example, if you see 10/31, it could be that was the last call made to the company or there is a meeting scheduled for 10/31.
Analytics Order Attributes
The Analytics Order Attributes table displays any order dynamic attributes you have configured. While this is one of the simpler tables in Metabase, it can be helpful to see all of your order dynamic attributes in one location, broken down by order ID. This data can be especially useful when it is joined with another table.
Breakdown of Data
Order ID – Every order in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to an order or join a table to get more information about an order. IDs are much better ways to join than on name.
Dynamic Attributes – Dynamic attributes are a really flexible way to add information about an item into the system. In this case, they are specific to an order. I don’t have good examples of order attributes
The Analytics Sales table can be extremely helpful to summarize and filter information for your sales. In its default setting, the table breaks up each sale by line item. This allows you to see specific information about the component parts of that sale, such as ad size, service name, or issue ID. You can also choose to sort or filter this information to create a personalized report. For example, you could filter your results by sales rep, or you could summarize the data by ad size. There is also a URL link in the table, which can take you to the corresponding company’s order page in the system.
Breakdown of Data
Ad Size
Brand Name
Company Name
Issue Name
Publication Name
Service Name
Barter – The value agreed upon for the sale that is a form of payment other than actual cash, such as a gift card or a trade.
Category - I think metabase is pulling in data for this column from different places. I am seeing a ‘General’ category, which is my only category for my companies. But I am also seeing impressions and slots, which I think it’s pulling in from the product categories page.
Channel – Channels are used for digital ads or digital media items, and function similar to positions for print ads. For example, being able to sell a digital ad on a home page. Any channels you have associated with this line item will display in this field.
Classification – Any service classifications you have configured will display in this column. These are items such as professional services, or maintenance. They are another way to group your services.
Created Date – The date that the order was first created.
Def Revenue – Any payments you have received in advance for work that is not yet finished will display in this column. For example, if you received a payment on an order for an issue that is coming out two months from now.
Digital End Date and Digital Start Date – If you have digital media products running, they will populate these columns with the start and end dates that you set up for the product.
Digital Units Price – The price per frequency. This could be price per CPM, CPC, CPF, CPD, or CPA.
Digital Units Actual -How many units you delievered. The actuals are either manually entered or pulled in from Google Ad Manager
Digital Units Sold – How many units of the digital media line item you sold in this order.
Discounts – Any discount that was added to the line item will display in this column.
Estimated Close Date – When creating an order, under the Forecasting section, you have the option to fill in the ‘Estimated Close Date’ field. If you choose to use this, that date will display in this column.
Event Date – If the line item is a service, the column will display either the event date or when the digital media product is set to run. If the line item is a print or digital ad, the event date is the same as the issue date.
Fee Type – If you added a fee to the order, such as a late payment fee, it will display in this column. This is based on your system configurations.
FieldFinance Approved Date – The date that the order was approved by your finance team.
GL Account - don’t know the difference between accounts and classes
GL Class - don’t know the difference between accounts and classes
Gross – The total value of the line item, before items such as discounts and fees have been accounted for.
Issue Date – The reporting date of the associated issue.
Line Item Key - Every line item in the system gets a unique identification number, which is created when you add an order.Net Cash – The total value of the line item after items such as discounts and fees have been accounted for.
No. Pages – If the line item is a print or digital ad, then this column will display how many pages the ad will take up, based on your configurations.
Order ID – Every order in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to an order or join a table to get more information about an order. IDs are much better ways to join than on name.
Orders URL – This link takes you to the chosen company’s orders tab.
Placement –What is the difference between this and a channel?
Position – Positions are used for print rate ads, and are specific locations in your publications that can be sold at a different price from a standard page, such as a back cover. Any positions you have associated with this line item will display in this field.
Probability - The likelihood of the sale, based on your confidence and pipeline configurations.
Quantity – Used for digital media products, this displays the amount of the product that will be run. What is the difference between this and digital units?
Rate Price - The dollar amount associated with the line item. This is dependent on the rate card you have associated, and is determined by size, color, position, frequency, etc.Rate Card – If you have a rate card associated with the item it will display in this column.
Revenue – Shows if the item is recognized.
Sales Rep – The user that made the sale.
Section – Used for print ads, sections are a broader area of a publication that an ad can be placed in. Any sections you have associated with the line item will display in this column.Sold Date – Is the sold date when it was client approved?
Territory - Territories and zones are ways to manage the areas that your publications will be distributed to. Any zones or territories you have associated with the order will display in this column.
Order Payments
The Analytics Order Payments table captures all payments that have been made based on a specific order. In the system, you have the ability to split up an order between invoices and payments by creating installments or split invoices. This table brings information from all of the invoices and payments of that order into one location. Now, you can see any adjustments made to the amount, any barter values, how much is still due and how much has been paid for an order that may have been broken up into multiple invoices.
Breakdown of Data
Adjustments – Any changes that were made to the cost of the order are reflected here. Most likely changes were made to specific line items in the order, such as if they were edited or deleted.
Barter – The value agreed upon for the order that is a form of payment other than actual cash, such as a gift card or a trade.Barter Due – What is left unpaid on an agreed barter amount.
Barter Payments – The amount paid that is in a form of payment other than actual cash, such as a gift card.
Cash Due – Total amount unpaid for the order.
Cash Payments – All payments recorded for the order.
Net – The total value of the order after fees and discounts have been accounted for.
Order Number – Every order in the system gets a unique number. We recommend using the number if you every want to import data or join a table to get more information about an order.
Analytics Invoices
The Analytics Invoices table can be extremely helpful to summarize and filter information for your invoices. In its default setting, the table actually breaks up each invoice by line item. This allows you to see specific information about the component parts of that invoice, such as ad size, service name, or issue ID. You can always choose to sort or filter this information to group the data by specific invoices, or only see information about specific invoices if that is what you need. There is also a URL link in the table, which can take you to the corresponding company’s invoices page in the system.
Breakdown of Data
Organization or Publisher
Pub Name
Issue Name
Company Name
Is External Invoice - Let you know if the item is set to externally invoiced, which means there is not invoice in your system to collect against.
Service Name
Brand Name
Ad Size
Sales Rep
Line Item Key – Every line item in the system gets a unique identification number, which is created when you add an order. You will either see single line item keys or duplicates depending on how the order was invoiced. For example, you may see duplicates if you created an installment invoice or if you split an invoice.
Pub ID – Every publisher in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data or join a table to get more information about a publisher. Using IDs is a better way to join than by name.
Invoices URL – The URL link will take you to the selected Company’s Invoices tab.
Invoice Date – This is often the date that the invoice was created, but may be different depending on the specific invoice. For example, the invoice date that is part of an installment may be a month or two away.
Cash Billed – The cash billed displays the total value of that invoice, not the specific line item amount.
Service ID – Every service in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to a service or join a table to get more information about a service. Using IDs is a better way to join than by name.
Issue ID – Every issue in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to an issue or join a table to get more information about an issue. Using IDs is a better way to join than by name.
Invoice Due Date – Shows when the invoice is due.
Cash Due – The amount that is left unpaid for the total invoice, not the specific line item amount.
Barter Agreed – The amount agreed upon for the invoice that is a form of payment other than actual cash, such as a gift card. This is referring to the total amount of the invoice, not the specific line item.
Invoice ID – Every invoice in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to an invoice or join a table to get more information about an invoice. Using IDs is a better way to join than by name.
Ad Size ID – Every ad size in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to an ad size or join a table to get more information about an ad size. Using IDs is a better way to join than by name.
Barter Due – What is left unpaid on an agreed barter amount for the invoice, not the specific line item.
Below are reports created in Metabase just using the Analytics Table
Sales by Rep and Issue
The Analytics Sales by Rep and Issue table breaks down your issue sales by the rep who made the sale, giving you a snapshot of how your reps are performing. This table is great for seeing big picture information, such as issue name, total net sales, and net sales pending. You could easily filter the results by rep, or summarize the data to see the total issue sales for each rep. It could also be helpful to join this table with another to see more detailed information about your sales reps.
Breakdown of Data
Issue Name
Rep Name
Barter Sales - A sale value that is in a form other than cash, such as a gift card or a trade.
Barter Sales Pending – A sale value that is in a form other than cash, such as a gift card or a trade which has not been approved yet.
Issue ID - Every issue in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to an issue or join a table to get more information about an issue. IDs are much better ways to join than on name.
Net Sales – The total value of the rep’s sales, before items such as discounts and fees have been accounted for.
Net Sales Pending – The total value of any sales that are still waiting for approval will display in this column.
Rep ID - Every rep in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data or join a table to get more information about an rep. IDs are much better ways to join than on name.
Sales by Rep and Service
The Analytics Sales by Rep and Service table breaks down your service sales by the specific sale, the rep who made the sale, and the service ID. This table is great for seeing big picture information, such as service name, total net sales, and net sales pending, giving you a snapshot of how your reps are performing. You could easily filter the results by rep, or the service ID to create a customized report. You could also summarize the data to see the total service sales for each rep. It could also be helpful to join this table with another to see more detailed information.
Breakdown of Data
Rep Name
Service Name
Barter Sales - A sale value that is in a form other than cash, such as a gift card or a trade.
Barter Pending – A sale value that is in a form other than cash, such as a gift card or a trade which has not been approved yet.
Event date – If the service is a digital media product, this column will display when it is set to run. If it is a different type of service such as graphic design or an event booth, this column will any associated date.
Net Sales – The total value of the rep’s sales, before items such as discounts and fees have been accounted for.
Net Sales Pending – The total value of any sales that are still waiting for approval will display in this column.
Rep ID - Every rep in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data or join a table to get more information about an rep. IDs are much better ways to join than on name.
Service ID – Every service in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to a service or join a table to get more information about a service. IDs are much better ways to join than on name.
The Analytics Subscriptions table displays detailed information about the subscriptions in your system, based on subscription ID. It is helpful for seeing data about both the subscribers and the actual subscription, such as contact information, cost, start issue, publication, and media type. You can easily tailor the table to your needs by filtering or summarizing the data. For example, you could sort by type (paid/comp), the start issue, or renewal status.
Breakdown of Data
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Publication Name
Cost – The cost of the chosen subscription plan.
End Date – The date that the subscription expires.
End Issue – The last issue included with the subscription.
Is Gift – Whether or not the subscription was purchased as a gift.
Is Renewal – Shows if the subscription is new or is a renewal.
Media Type – Either print or digital, depending on your publications and the subscription.
Start Date – When the subscription begins.
Start Issue – The first issue included with the subscription.
Subscription ID – Every subscription in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to a subscription or join a table to get more information about a subscription.
Type – Shows whether the subscription was Paid or Comp.
Sales Summary
The Analytics Sales Summary table shows you big picture information of your sales by company. It is one of the simpler tables in Metabase, but can be extremely helpful. The table displays each company in your system, and their sales based on annual, lifetime, quarter, and year to date. You could easily filter or summarize the data to create a personalized report, or join the table with another based on company ID.
Breakdown of Data
Company Name
Annual –Sales for the current year.
Company ID - Every company in the system gets a unique identification number. We recommend using the ID if you ever want to import data to a company or join a table to get more information about a company, like invoice date. IDs are much better ways to join than on name.
Lifetime – The data in this column is the total sales you have made with that company for the entire time they have been your client.
Ytd - The year to date field displays the total sales you have made with the company for the current year, up until the current date.
Qtr – The quarterly field shows the total sales you have made with the company in the current sales quarter.