August 9, 2023
Ad Orbit URL Changes
In our previous release, we added new logos and colors to the system, and re-named it Ad Orbit! This release, we updated all of our URLs. This means when you type in your instance name to navigate to your Ad Orbit account, the URL will now redirect you from an old 'maghub' url, to a new 'adorbit' url.
Your passwords to login to your account will be the same as they were before. However, if you had your browser set up to auto-populate your password, this will not work anymore. There are instructions on the login page on how to re-set up this autocomplete. If you are having troubles, please contact our support team.
Comp Subscription Inventory Management
New fields, inventory checks, and a report have been added to help you manage comp subscription inventory. The new fields are optional, and if left blank, will mean that there is unlimited comp subscription inventory for that publication.
On the add/edit print publication pages, there are new fields:
Comp Copy Limit - Set the cap for how many comp subscriptions can be created for your publication.
Comp Copy Limit Threshold - This optional field lets you specify how many subscriptions prior to your limit to send a notification.
Comp Copy Limitation Notifications - Choose which users should receive notifications of the upcoming inventory limit.
If a limit is set, when creating new subscriptions or editing existing ones, inventory checks will be applied. These checks happen when editing subscriptions individually, performing bulk actions from the Subscription search page, or when importing subscriptions.
A new Comp Subscriptions Report was added to easily view this inventory data. The report can be filtered by publication, and the table breaks down the available and used inventory for each pub.
Display Dynamic Attribute on Reserved Product Scheduler
There is a new setting available on ticket dynamic attributes to show the attribute on the Reserved Product Scheduler.
Check the 'Show on Reserved Product Scheduler' setting on the attribute to have it display in both the runsheet of un-scheduled items, and the calendar view of the scheduler.
Only one attribute can be set up to display on the scheduler at a time.
You will only see this setting if Reserved digital media products are enabled in your site, and the attribute is set up to 'Show on Line Item'.
Forecast Item Improvements
We rearranged some of the fields in the add/edit forecast popups. The Delivery Date, Confidence Level, and Value fields are all now in the second row, rather than the first.
When editing a forecast item, you can now link to the opportunity that the forecast is associated with.
Files can now be added to forecast items when initially creating the forecast. Previously, you had to create the forecast, then edit it in order to upload a file.
Map Your Show Integration Updates
The special invoice XREF field is now getting automatically populated for invoices created through the MYS integration.
In a recent release, we made an update so that new MYS invoices would use an installment format based on the payment schedule set on the MYS order. This release, we updated previously created MYS invoices to use the same installment format.
Previously, there was an Event Report and an Event Company Report. These two reports essentially worked the same way, and showed the same information, with a few small differences. This release, we combined the two reports into one new one - the Event Sales Report.
The old 'Event' report is now deprecated, and we recommend using the new Event Sales Report instead.
New search fields and columns have been added to the Event Sales Report (previously the Event Company Report).
Other Improvements
When using the Position API endpoint, if there is both a product ID and rate card ID passed, the product ID now gets the priority.
API documentation can now be accessed without needing to be logged into the system.
On the Item Product Class setup page, adding or editing the classes now automatically updates the Assigned Products table.
Publication is a new column for digital media line items on the Product step of creating an order.
When linking a new IMAP Account, it will only sync emails going forwards and will ignore any previously created emails.
On digital media line item add/edit popups, you can now associate the line items with an event in the system. This works the same way as associating events with print or digital ad items.
Pulling in emails using the Nylas integration now properly records activities for emails that have files attached.
A few breadcrumb updates were made this release. The 'Dashboard' breadcrumb was removed, and the labels for the Contact and Company search page breadcrumbs were updated.
An error when sending grouped artwork reminders with the SendMyAd module enabled has been resolved.
An error happening when more than 200 channels, positions, or sizes are added to a product has been fixed.
The Yearly Publication Trends widget now links to the Product YOY Comparison report.
On order PDFs, the Digital Unit Price column for digital ads is now showing the price correctly if the unit price is over $1,000.
Slot products that use Day of the Week, Ad Hoc, or Daily frequencies now have end dates set.
An error preventing adding new service line items to approved orders has been resolved.
Clicking cancel when adding or editing a service product now properly redirects you to the Service Product search page.
When deleting the last forecast on an opportunity, the loading icon now works properly.
A handful of fixes were made for the new Ad Orbit color scheme.
Publications are now staying selected on the Consolidated Snapshot Report when the Enable Organization Filtering system configuration is enabled.
Some forecast items were created with invalid dates. This release we fixed those dates, and now the delivery dates and expected close dates are saving correctly.
The Dropbox integration has been updated to account for their new 'short-lived' tokens. This meant certain Dropbox accounts would work initially, but would stop working after a period of time. This fix resolves that problem.
Saved reports that are scheduled to be sent on a Weekly basis were sending one day after the user would expect them to. This release we fixed the issue so they will be sent on the expected day.
Invalid created sizes can now be removed from GAM products.
The 'label' limit has been increased when using Nylas and Gmail. The limit for Gmail folders has been increased from 100 to 300.
Publisher sub-templates are now available for digital artwork reminder emails. Previously, these were only available for print artwork reminders.
When creating a quick add service ticket, the contact name is now saving properly.